Basic Info

Pokemon Team

Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Arbok, Ariados, Tentacruel, Seviper


6'1" (185 cm)

Behavior & Personality

Unpredictable, constant mood swings. Usually quiet and borderline antisocial. Often talks to himself or to someone else that’s not there. Can be tolerant at times yet violent at others. Has a constant nervous twitch, more noticeable when excited or angry.


July 6, 1987


Professional criminal, vigilante, Pokemon trainer


Not much is known of Hazard’s history; in fact many doubt even he remembers much of it. He was a student in medical school, specializing in toxicology and Poison-type Pokemon. He held a firm belief that people had to expose themselves to poison in order to build up immunity to it. He practiced this himself, and before long, the toxins from Pokemon began affecting his mental state.

After more than a year of almost daily exposure, his personality had changed dramatically. He struck out at classmates on multiple occasions, sometimes inflicting relatively serious damage, and warranting his expulsion from the school. Before he left, he pocketed many of his test subjects, then set out on his own.

He is both a criminal and a vigilante, acting as he sees fit at any given moment. His mood also affects whether or not he will battle someone, and if he does, how he will go about doing it.

He continues to inject himself with small doses of venom to maintain his immunity, but wears a respirator to avoid unfamiliar poison gas. The poison has had many other negative effects on him as well. It has damaged his right eye, bleaching the iris and forcing the pupil to be permanently constricted. Due to this, he has extreme difficulty seeing in low light and is extremely sensitive to bright light. He sometimes wears black goggles because of this. There is some neurological damage in his extremities, as seen by constant twitches.