


5 years, 22 days ago


Name Mistral
Age 100~ (Looks 30s)
Gender Agender
Birthdate April 9th
Height 6'2'' | 188cm
Weight 186lb | 84kg
Race Kamaitachi
Enneagram Type 8w7




  • Always dirty, a lofty wanderer that very rarely ventures into modern society
  • Lacks a formal education
  • Has had multiple fledglings, though most likely lost count and can't remember most of them
  • Due to their species, they're quite flexible, can fly/ride whirlwinds, and can only eat meat
  • They have fully embraced their monstrous side after so many years of living alone; barely human
  • They have no memory of their prior family or life before turning
  • Their sole goal in life is to sow the seeds of discords (their fledglings) all around the world and reap chaos - due to their own bitterness and spite of this existence that wronged them
  • Natural orange eyes due to species, fangs, and their nails are always gnarled, long, and sharpened claws. Hair a long tattered, unkempt mess
  • They cannot eat anything other than meat. Everything else tastes off to themm and will give a stomachache



Mistral was once human, a long time ago, before the 21st century. As a teenager they were sought out by a clan of Kamaitachi progenitors, in a world where monsters lurked the modern world under the guise of humans. These kamaitachi were fierce and cruel, ill omens indicating impending destruction. They were savages divergent from human society and they relished in this. In choosing Mistral, a weak, rather timid and out of place human, they desired to reform the weak into strong. Infecting Mistral was a tedious process for both parties, and it left the human rather deprived, broken, and beaten both physically and mentally. This lifestyle of brutality and savagery was not for them.

As such they were ridiculed and isolated even within their new family - the weakest of an otherwise strong and prideful clan. It had grown to be so much discrimination and torment through many years, Mistral's reticent personality had begun to embellish into something more "worthy" of their nightmarish nature. They broke the confines of their human shell that held them back, acting on their rage, their sorrow, their lust, with only the goal of vengeance upon their back they alone wreaked havoc upon their kinsmen. They silenced the majority of the other Kamaitachi and took the seat of Alpha - Premier. From then, Mistral became the strongest Kamaitachi ever known, growing out whatever humanity that still lingered in them to embrace something more powerful. The true nature that had long seeped inside their core, by then, they had fully became it.

They chose to lead no clan, caring for nothing, caring for none other than themself. They've have since then lived on their own, a wandering Alpha who traverses the world in search of quencing this insatiable thirst. A thirst for vengeance, for fury, for chaos - Mistral's only role as an Alpha is to infect other humans and create them just like them. They often abandon these humans short after, forcing them to fend for themselves - just as Mistral had. Only the strong would survive this amount of torment, and only the strong deserve to take after them. Their sole purpose in life has always been to plow this world into the throes of destruction. Until death might finally claim them (it would only mean rest).



  • Great heights/Outdoors
  • The Hunt
  • Snowflakes
  • Sashimi
  • The sound of thunder and the rush of wind
  • Fabric
  • Themself


  • Heavy rain
  • Insects and brambles
  • Sticky things
  • Confinement
  • Authority
  • The past
  • Weaklings
  • Techonology and modern society


Mistral is a rather simple-minded being, always acting on impulsive thoughts and whatever they feel in their heart of hearts. The latter of which has almost blackened to its core - they live for themself and nothing other than themself. They're highly individualist and narcisstic, holding ill will towards authoritarian and modern societies mostly due to their little understanding of it. They dislike any amount of authority or command directed towards themself, and will most likely always react in an aggressive and violent way. Their animalistic nature and out of touch with humanization has bred them to believe that the only way to solve an issue - is to kill the other person or beat some sense into them.

They are one with nature and the world is their canvas. While more or less beast than man, there is a possiblity there is some humanity left within them. Where they are lacking in modernization, they relish in the wild - it's possible there is a soft spot hidden somewhere deep, deep inside ; though it is this alleged sympathy that leads to weakness. Mistral is a lone wolf simply because anything and anyone else is nothing more than a weight that will hold them back. They have lived this way for so long they outwardly lack any amount of morals, empathies, or sympathies.

They live for chaos and destruction, the thrill of the hunt and the adrenaline rush of battle. Any time they can get their hands and tail dirty is the only time they truly feel alive, a temporary respite to the otherwise constant hollowness they pretend they can no longer feel...because that makes them weak, and Mistral is strong.


Yuichi Fledgling


One of Mistral's most recent fledglings. Like all fledglings, Mistral has abandoned him to fend for himself, though upon meeting the man their self-sufficient, arrogant, and chaotic nature is what pulled Yui towards them in the first place. Has no idea what they're going through at the moment, but is fond of all of their...live fledglings.

Altair Kinsmen


By way of Mistral's former fledgling, Yuichi's son Altair is part of their kind.