Rin Yasui



4 years, 11 months ago


Name: Yasui Rin

Height: 5’5

Personality: Yasui is at the top of her class competitively, getting the best ranking in rescue practice and hero training. She is tastefully rambunctious, knowing when it is a good or bad time to be outgoing. However, she is also your generic Mean Girl, believing she is better than everyone and nobody is worth her time. She will put others down if she thinks they are getting too close to beating her. While she can be a straight up bitch, Yasui knows how to be respectful to others, and will admit when her superiors do better than her. She won’t, however, agree that she was wrong. She would simply think that they have had more experience and it is the fault of the education she is receiving and not her own. She Is very insecure about her own strength and achievements, and does everything she can to be the very best.

She wants to become a hero to show how good she is at it. She wants the world to know she is the best hero, even worthy of the #1 Hero role. She will tear down anyone in her way to the glory she believes is her rightful place. 

Fighting style: Sneaky and great at close combat, Yasui can get into any location no matter how high up it is. Her tail allows her to have another limb to fight with, and her balance makes it difficult for enemies to knock her off her feet. Long distance is no her strong point, but it doesn’t matter to her since she can force them closer with her tongue. Her ability to climb surfaces and her long, sticky tongue also help her rescue skills, making her a well rounded hero

Hero name: Chamele

Quirk: Chameleon

Quirk description: having all the abilities of a chameleon

  • While she doesn’t have the weird eyes, she has better vision than a normal human, and better peripheral vision
  • She has enhanced balance and climbing abilities, a large tail that can grapple onto and hold things, and chameleon-like feet that can grapple and hold things
  • With her feel, she can easily hang upside down or on the side of a wall
She has limited camouflageShe can only blend into surroundings of a single color, she cannot mimic texturesIf she is nervous, she cannot blend at all, or will change into a bright color accidentallyShe has a very, very long tongue that is as quick as a jet plane. The tip is extremely stickyShe has scales, but those are useless and do not help her whatsoever


  • AestheticsTM
  • Overall a good hero with no super limiting weaknesses
  • Quick decision maker


  • She cannot move fast in general, besides her tongue. Don’t ask her to run anywhere, she physically can’t
  • She’s got a huge bitchy attitude that makes it difficult for her to cooperate with other people
  • She struggles to accept her mistakes, and can’t take criticism well at all.