Rainy (Talia)



1 year, 9 months ago




Sees feelings, mainly As Just an Aura unless Emotion is strongly connected to a memory.

Possibly goes into a trance when seeing emotions of a fully corrupted person (charziz’s idea) as well as seeing hints of corruption of people or creatures in early stages

Mayhaps her Eyes glow bright pink or blue when in a trance or seeing a strong emotion(?)

Irises and pupils alter shape and Color depending on her Personal Mood.

Actual personality stuff is: Takes some things too literally, clumsy when overly excited, Finds the smallest jokes Funny (when she understands them), and is somewhat timid- Very sensitive as well. Tries to look on the positive sides of things, and likes to appreciate the small things. Can tend to be indecisive and worry about things, especially people.

Makes perfumes or potions if I remember correctly. She also collects crystals and her home/shop is probably decorated with ivy and moss, and shelves of crystals and different bottles of things. She might also collect small trinkets in general I’m not entirely sure-???

Pinterest Board: https://www.pinterest.com/princeofpittsburgh/brink-of-dawn/talia/