


5 years, 11 days ago


Laila Seraphina Madden
Twenty Three
5ft 8 Inches
Shiba Inu
Escort/Porn star/ Fetish Model

Such A Naughty Little Angel


Lailia was found under a box, in the pouring rain by a young man,Joe Fox, taking his time walking home, instead of rushing, She was bearly a few hour old, clearly dumped by a mother who had never wanted the Baby. Picking up the freezing pup, near to death and hurrying home to get her warm. Cuddling her body close to his, Once she was dry, and seemed to be warming up, and feed some warm milk, the man called the apporiate services, after a lot of back and fourth, with them unable to track down her birth parents, saying that she would be going into the care system, being from it him self, he adopted her, not wanting that life for her, knowing he could provid for her.

He had a good Job and it was just him, in his adopted families home, He had been adopt at 13 by a couple that couldn't have kids and were in their 40's and wanted to experience parenthood before the could no longer, taking Joe in, leaving him the home when he turned 21, as they moved into a small house by the beach, he had everything paid for, even his job had been thanks to his adoptive father, he had slipped straight into his poistion once he retired.

Time to pay it forward with this little puppy. The curls of blonde hair remind him of depitions of Angel's he had seen in the children home he was raised in and remind him of the older girl who was like a sister to him when he was there, the girl who also painted the Angels, Layla, Which is Laila name sake, Seraphina was the name Layla had given the blonde Angel she painted in Joe's room before she left to watch over him, as he was still young. Madden ment little dog which seemed a little more suitable for his Angel then Fox.

He raised Laila well, she never went without, could do everything she dreamed of. Took her to every extra activity she asked for, Dance lesson, singing lessons & horse ridding, She was defiently talented, Elegant, graceful and voice of an Angel. Even on the back of the horse, she still was winning ribbion and medals. She was a very achomplised kid, by 13, having not only a under 12's championship in dance and a countless number of cross country & jumping medel with her horse, Sasha.

She was also well educated, as soon as Joe, adoptive parents heard what he had done for the sweet girl, they pulled strings and got her enrolled the private school, his mother had taught at. Laila understood at a young age that everything she had was because of Joe and his parents and they did it out of the kindess of their heart not because they felt entitled to it because of blood or family ties. She knew she was lucky that Joe walked by when he did, otherwise she might be in care or even dead. When she was 15 Joe offered to pay to try and find her parents, though knowing they could reject her all over again, like his family had, he tried to prepare her for that if she accepted. To his suprise she thanked him but refused. She knew her mother couldnt have wanted her, didnt care if she died cold and alone under a box, unlike Joe's mother who left him outside a firestation ringing the bell. Her mother probably thinks she is dead, why would she want to meet someone who would rather let a helpless baby die? She had a family in Joe and her grandparents and that was more then perfect for her.

When she was 17, Joe was hit by a car when he was on his way back from work, causing damage to his legs, he surivived by lost the leg that had been ran over, physio and therpy wasn't cheap and with the inablity to work for a while, even with the help from his parents did mean certian things werent as easy as they use to be. Laila knew this was her turn to repay the favour, and contriubite to her dad's bill, She was working every day after class, but it wasn't enough. A few month into her cashier job at the local supermarket, a male walked in, dressed in a suit and wearing dark sunglasses, Laila though he looked like a jerk, but he stopped and looked at her, pulling his glasses off, looking her up and down, taking her chin in his hand as he did, and dropped a card in front of her with the money for the drink he brough and said "call me if you ever get sick of making penuts" and left. Laila picked up the card and pocketed it, not really looking at it, untill when she got home, seeing her dad struggling, They had talked about going private but it was just too much, and Joe didnt want to bleed his parent and his saving dry, he wanted Laila to have what she needed. Sitting on her bed that night hearing her dad fall again, rushing to help him up and after making sure he was sat down and okay with a cup of tea, she went back to her room and rang the number on the card and when the male picked up and she said "Okay, I want to make more" she heard him laugh "WELL this was quick Angel, Hope you are ready to not be so innocent girl. You know you dont make 6 figure and work three days a week by just shaking hands, but you have the looks that will get you there. I am a talent scout honey, When can we meet? 12 tomorrow?" Laila replied "It has to be after 3pm, I have school" Hearing him laugh again unsettled her "Perfect meet and 4 and come wearing your school uniform, I think i have job already for you Angel"

Lalia did exactly as he asked, meeting him outside a well known photography studio. "So how old are you Angel?" he asked when she showed up "17" Lalia replied "18 in a month" The smile on his lips almost made her run "we will start with some glamaour modeling, once your legal we will start with the high paying stuff" he purred as he led her inside, there were a few other girls, all very pretty and in there 20's. A short brunette ran over to Laila "Oh Tony, Please tell me she isn't the new girl, she is child" she said wrapping her arms around Laila shoulder "And priavte school, why are you here sweetie, you dont need money." Laila looked at the guy named Tony and then at the girl standing before her "Angel doesnt have to stay" he replied "But she can, and she can make the money, i dont care why she want nor needs it, if she leaves another girl will step in" Laila looked at the girl kind eyes and said "I have to do it, I do need the money... it isnt for me, it is for my dad" The girl nodded seeming to understand "Family, I know that, i am here for my son and sister, But Tony, She my work sister, got it, while she is learning she is only on set if i am there" Tony shrugged "if you say so Puddin' I am not paying you if you dont atcually work though". Laila felt a little more relaxed knowing this girl was going to be around most of the time, she didn't like the idea of being alone with Tony if she could avoid it. "what's your name, or what would you liked to be know as, honey? none of us really use our real name, I go by Spice" The girl asked. "Serephina or Angel please" she said to Spice

A young fox with long blonde curls approached the two, “Spice, come on I need to do you make-up…Oh! Who is this?” The girl asked noticing the young girl. Spice looked to the fox as she spoke “Babydoll this is Angel, Tony’s new toy…” Babydoll looked over “Honey, do you know what we do?” Angel shook her head “Ive been told today I’ll be modelling but until I am Legal I can’t do anything else” Laila said. Spice and Babydoll looked at each other “We are gonna take you out for food after the session and we will explain… as Tony has neglected to do so… Again… this is the first time he picked up a child… at least Cupcake was just young looking but 25…” Spice said “Cupcake come here” Babydoll called, as another girl came over she had pink, blue and yellow streaks through her light brown hair. “Yes?” she asked smiling. Babydoll smile “Take Angel here, as you know what it is like to be new and fix her make-up please, look after her” Cupcake nodded leading Laila to the mirrors.


  • She goes by Seraphina Layla, which is her middle name and a veraition of her first name Or Angel for her Sex work.
  • Her last name was given to her by her Adoptive father as it means Little dog, which when he found her she was just a little pup.
  • Laila alway has feather adording her hair/as earring as it plays up to the Angel Persona she has.
  • Laila has never looked for her real family having nothing to go by apart from the area she was found in, but she does love her adoptive father dearly and will do anything for him.

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