


5 years, 20 days ago



Name - Caius Vargas

Partner - Kaisei Yuno

Age - 27

Height - 6'5"

Species - Mega Swampert


Caring | Open-minded | Protective | Friendly | Persistent | Loyal | Violent (regrettably) |


Raised into a family of gang members, Caius rarely saw a peaceful world. His family was strict and intense- and insanely loyal to their ways. With two older sisters, two younger brothers and a baby sister, he was stuck as the oldest male- which meant most of the family was looking to him as the next patriarch. He was raised in every form of martial arts as well as strict training in physical power as well as other weaponry. Killing and violence was how they asserted their power in their district and his family had plans to take over more in the future. 

By the time he was 16, Caius was growing tired. He wanted to live a normal life and have friends and loves and a future that he chose for himself. With one of his older sister's help, he fled at the age of 18 on the day he became a mega and therefore was to take over for the family. He could no longer condone their way of life and did all that he could to survive.

He somehow managed by stealing from his family, taking out any of the gang members he could recognize and by the time he managed to gain some money, he used the skills he learned from his parents and invested it and used it wisely. He now lives by his own rules, staying close to enemy gangs so he can keep an eye on his own family and avoid them.


→ Is now currently dating the love of his life, Yuno, who he met at a bar and stuck around despite Yuno's hesitance at first

→ The sister who helped him, Veraria (Goes by Vera), paid the price by allowing him to escape and now has a giant scar running down her face. She works at a hospital.

→ Caius refuses to go to hospitals, knowing that his family is plugged in every single one in his area and knows they'll come after him if they see him there

→ He has only been to a hospital twice since he was 18. 

One time was when he received two giant gashes on his face and had passed out and was taken there without his knowledge (This is where he met his first girlfriend, Rasheeda- broke up later on for amicable reasons)

The next time was when Yuno was injured during a job and would have died without professional help. They managed to leave safely thanks to Vera

→ Actually is quite stacked on cash thanks to his investments and stock

→ His family's names:

- Father - Vinzo

- Mother - Alise 

- Oldest sister - Sofia

- Older sister - Veraria (Vera)

- Younger brother - Alec

- Youngest brother - Brunei 

- Youngest Sister - Alexei

Mood Board
