AU: Unnamed



5 years, 10 days ago


Set in the year 3076- Humanity's population has been quartered as a result of ongoing conflict, pollution and natural disaster. Those remaining live in armoured colonies with the only transport between them being a network of underground bullet trains. Outside these colonies the land has been ravaged and is inhabited with hostile creatures existing as a result of a series of genetic manipulation experiments in a nuclear facility gone catastrophically wrong. Those young and physically healthy enough were forced into joining an armed resistance against them, with mechs as the main weapon.

Later, the outside becomes safer and safer, however the surviving fighters need to learn to adjust to living a normal life again. Nature begins to reclaim the ruin laid to it from the events of the past, and with the human population having drastically dropped even further to just 1 million, the only option is to start over.



CHIAKI- After losing both their parents, they end up persuaded into becoming a mech fighter so they could remain close to their sister, Akane, who is a commander. They're deeply apathetic and numb, and when they do express emotion it's almost always normally intense, uncontrollable outbursts. In combat they tend to be extremely level headed and collected, leading to them often leading any small group they're part of. They have an extreme distaste, nearing total abhorrence, for humanity as a whole but especially those right at the top, wanting nothing more than those who caused this to happen to never even so much as get the chance to rebuild their lives.

ALISTAIR- A civillian who was a member of one of the few groups on the Outside who managed to survive. He's recovering from an illness that's common in those living away from the main colonies, and despite being anxious he manages to remain relatively optimistic and upbeat about the future. As far as he's concerned, he's already lived through the worst of it and things can only get better.

ANDROMEDA- An ex-pilot who contracted the same disease as Alistair only more severe, as well as losing one eye and half their hearing ability in a fight, they now focus their attention on research and quickly became one of the leading researchers for technology, the biology of the creatures that threaten them, and the disease they suffer from. They unfortunately were a lot more susceptible to the condition than most, and are at a real risk from it.

CELIA- Although born blind, they naturally took to piloting with the help of Andromeda's technology and very quickly became a proficient scouter pilot- meaning their role is to scope out an area for the level of threat and inhabitability. They truly believe in the good of people and that things can become better, leading to their primary partner, Shizuka, being vocal about their naivety. Their goal is to return to a normal, happy life with Andromeda.

SHIZUKA- Stationed alongside Celia, their role is to protect them during their scouting and be on the offense should anything go wrong. Stoic and nihilistic, they frankly don't care about their fate, nor do they much care about the fate of humanity as a whole, although they do have a slight soft spot for a few select others. They're a proficient fighter and aided Andromeda in developing some of their audio-sensory technology. They also DJ in their downtime at an underground club hidden away in the colony and may have had a hand in developing a type of sound that affects people's lucidity and inhibitions.

FLORENCE- A higher up in the resistence, they mainly train and remotely command fighter squads. They are revered, respected and almost feared, and they are known to be ruthless both with their enemies and with those who disobey them without an exceptional reason. They tried for a long time to keep their brother from service as they knew it wouldn't go well, but eventually he had to go anyway. They have a close relationship with Crow, who is their second in command in the elite squad, and she is the only person who they view as actually competent. They rarely go out to fight personally, but when they do, it's hard for anyone who witnesses to forget their ferocity in combat.

FLEUR- Florence's twin, he's an impulsive and overemotional young man both in life and in combat. He's led by his instincts, often making rash decisions, and almost every move he makes is a risk. Everything about his situation has left him bitter and angry, and he doesn't care how much destruction he causes or how much damage he takes. He is eventually assigned to stay with Chiaki and Jay, two fighters known for being level headed and rational but firm, until he learns better how to control himself.

CROW- The leader of the elite squad, Crow is the only member of the resistance who is seen to almost always be cheerful and upbeat no matter what happens. She genuinely enjoys the fight and loves the danger it brings, and her hates-to-lose nature paired with sheer bubbly determination make her the #1 fighter in the world.

JAY- A mech fighter who fights alongside Chiaki. Having known them since they were both children he's one of the only people who can get them to open up, and although it doesn't seem obvious he's a lot of the reason they're still going. He's pretty stable and calm as a person, but is happy to trust and support Chiaki's decisions. He's easily one of the most rational fighters and is good at calming those around him. When introduced to Fleur, it doesn't take long for Jay to make it very clear that he is the one in charge and expects nothing less than Fleur's complete cooperation.