
4 years, 11 months ago


Full Name: Malvica-Lynn Pinnywerth
   Nickname: Vica
Species: Gemmismae 
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Age: 17
Height: 5'3ft, 160 cm
DOB: Nimadri 26
Gem: Black Chalcedony
Personality Traits: Neat, perfectionist, observant, old-fashioned, somewhat timid, femme, occasionally gloomy
Occupation: Student, likes to volunteer at the theater
Likes: Black, lace, dresses, "victorian"-era things, tea, winter, spiders
Favorite Thing: Lace chokers
Dislikes: Roaches, pastel colors, advanced tech
Fears: Tight spaces
Romantics: Romantic
Relationships: Trishana, best friend/roommate; Dating TBN; knows Alma and Tikki; niece to Natasia

Possible voice: Fluttershy (Andrea Libman)

- Gemstone: Black Chaldecony (Common)
- Fairy Ears (C)
- Small Horns (C)
- Slit Eyes (C)
- Human Teeth (C)
- No Wings (C)
- Reptile Tail (C)
- Hoofed Legs (C)
- Wind Element (C)
Overall Rarity: Common

-Nervous about taking the spotlight, but loves to watch other people perform. "They have such a passion for life," she might say. "I don't always know how that feels."
-Vica's parents split up before she turned 10. While each felt a loyalty to the family they'd built, they fought over their careers and experimented with living apart. Eventually they simply stayed apart. Vica took it incredibly hard, feeling isolated from both of them as well as other Gems--normally, Gems remain incredibly loyal to their mates.
-Vica met Trish during her schooling and they've been generally inseparable ever since. On the surface, it seems like they have little in common, but their personalities balance each other well and their experiences together helped make them close. It's very common for one to invite the other to familial gatherings or special events. 

Purchased 6/2/19 (10); Masterlist #72