.DnD. Q’pala



4 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info

Got for

Trade, $40 Xynthii




Abjuration Mage





ex-monk, was raised in a family unit of them (meaning all the adults took care of all the children) so she doesnt know who her parents are and thus has always felt alone in the universe. is very sensitive about what people think and say about her. shes been made fun of for how short and stubby she is her whole life by the other teifling children

is a big scardey-cat, would rather throw out spells from behind stuff than be directly in the action. will scream and run if something gets close to her.

has a budding interest in machinery and how things work, due in part to the monks not allowing such newer inventions around. this lead her to her one and only friend, N12, who she badgers with questions, she just thinks hes neat because shes into machinery and how stuff like that works and shes meant to have an arc learning that even though hes mostly machine hes still a person

shes meant to be awkward but badgers him about how he works n stuff like that. he allows her to tinker with the parts of him that detach, like his legs, while he tries to talk to her about expression and how she can become anything she wants to be. which she appreciates, but isnt interested in turning herself into a cyborg