🔥 Domino Angevin 🔥



4 years, 11 months ago


name: domino angevin

sexuality: gay, poly


dusk -boyfriend

gus -boyfriend

code -close friend

t -care taker


domino is a recovering pyromaniac with anger and trust issues due to abuse growing up. has burn scars on half of his body due to accidentally catching his house on fire when a small fire he set got out of control. he's filled with constant guilt over his mistake and is trying to make up for it.

very blunt to the point of where it can come off as rude but he doesn't mean to be. he actually gives pretty decent advice, dusk probably rubbed off on him. really good with love advice considering two boyfriends. short fuse and gets into a lot of fights (where do you think dusk gets the teeth for his teeth collection from?)

secretly affectionate. doesn't mind pda but isnt really big on it either. easily gets jealous though and when he gets jealous he goes full on petty and gives his boyfriends a lot of attention in front of whoever was trying to hit on them. buys gus flowers a lot and gets dusk crystals and stuff for his collections. hand kisses and small touches are his specialty