

Kalon | 21 | May 11 | Female


Savvy is a playful kalon with a huge love for music, particularity the EDM scene. She prefers faster and harder music but likes anything with a catchy beat. She holds somewhat of a superiority complex over music and will think less of you if you don't know about this one super specific underground genre. She gives her friends impromptu quizzes about music which comes off as either being fascinating or annoying. Compared to others her age, she's childish and silly. She possess high energy and is generally very happy.

Savvy works at the local night club, a job which she loves. She shifts between letting people in the door and supervising the floor. She's friends with local DJ, Chocolate Beats, as well as Ricky. She lets them inside the club despite being under-aged on the promise they don't do anything bad (i.e: under-aged drinking). She should technically be fired for it but she takes great care that the three of them aren't caught. She is also very fond of CyberNekotic, a robot that is often found around the club. She likes alcohol but has a habit of drinking far too much than she should...


EDM, alcohol, glowsticks, sweets, the club she works at


Slow music, sitting around all day, early mornings





HTML Profile by Coywolfy