


5 years, 14 days ago


"I cannot stop this sickness taking over
It takes control and drags me into nowhere
I need your help, I can't fight this forever
I know you're watching,
I can feel you out there"


Devyn is the child of a woman that was raped by a demon possessing a human body.
Though he is a charming, extroverted person by nature, the dark aura that seemed to follow him his entire life has led him to become quiet, frustrated and aggressive, as well as an addiction to alcohol and the occasional drug use.
He is quite patient, pessimistic and uses a dark sense of humor, expecting everyone around him to turn their back on him in the end. He secretly believes to have something rotten inside him, he calls it a curse. When he meets new people they usually feel drawn to him in a way, but over time he seems to drive them away.


As a human, Devyn is a lean young man with light brown, soft, wavy hair, fairly light skin, a slim face with soft features, a straight nose, a cut eyebrow (left) and bright blue eyes. He used to have a lot of freckles as a child, but as he got older they faded away, only to be seen at all during summer.
He usually wears darker, worn down, thin clothing with few bright colours, mostly jeans and a simple shirt with long sleeves.

As a fully developed demon, scales cover part of his body, spreading outwards from between his shoulder blades where they are thick and strong, reminiscent of those of a crocodile. Outside of his back the scales only appear sporadically, mostly covering his more exposed bones like elbows and knuckles. Patches that appear everywhere else consist of notably finer and less rough scales closer to those of smaller lizards, protecting other sensitive areas where there's little matter covering his skeleton. Big parts of his front side and especially his legs remain scale-free, approximately half of his face is loosely covered.
In general, the growth pattern seems to favour the right side of his body, at it is the one he prefers, while the colour is of a darker, grayish eggshell-like tone that turns almost black the tougher the scales are. His right eye seems to match some species of lizard with a slit pupil, the left one remains human. His teeth are pointier and his fangs a little bigger, but other than that they don't look much different, the nails on his feet and hands are sharper and thicker than usual. On his forehead, above his eye sockets two horns have formed, tho they are shorter and more slim and wide than one would imagine, seemingly serving more defensive than aggressive purposes.


  •  As a cambion he's prepositioned to both violence and addictive behaviour, which explains his current addiction to alcohol, drug use and aggression
  •  He has no knowledge of his supernatural potential, or the true identity of his mother's rapist
  •  He's widely disliked by animals - with the exception of certain reptiles, thanks to his demon-father's heritage
  •  He has a cut eyebrow from when someone smashed his head into a shelf, the scar itself healed but the hair didn't grow back
  •  People are initially drawn to him because they can sense something different about him, something strange. This leads to him eventually being cast out and ending up alone, hence why he's all but given up on forming real relationships


  •  spicy food
  •  being in a social environment
  •  honesty
  •  being out in the dark, even tho he's gotten attacked a lot
  •  drinking


  •  animals, mostly because they don't like him
  •  being touched by people he doesn't trust - which is basically everyone
  •  naive people
  •  others looking at him like he's a freak
  •  when he loses control


Devyn Kendrick


'Dev', 'Devil' (by Tristan)




21 years








snarky, withdrawn

Born (Zodiac)



Cambion (half-demon)




barkeeper (officially), drug dealer (on the side)


lean, almost scrawny




crappy apartement, city


soft, light brown, wavy


bright blue














Early Life

When Devyn's mother told her husband she would be walking home from work that night, she didn't anticipate to be carefully watched by a strange pair of eyes.
A man she had never seen before snatched her off the sidewalk into an alley, saying strange things she could not understand. He was way too strong for the young woman, there was nothing she could do to defend herself against his advances. After telling her furious husband what happened, he took her to the hospital to make sure she was okay, to check for any deseases she might have caught, the whole thing. At first, everything seemed fine. Her body recovered and not once did her husband even remotely blame her for anything that happened. Only two weeks later, her period wouldn't come. Another visit to the doctor confirmed her biggest fear:
She was expecting a child. From her rapist.

Luckily for Devyn, one might argue, his mother Jean couldn't bear the thought of murdering what was growing inside her and decided to carry out the child. Her husband tried to argue with her for quite some time, but eventually realized there was nothing he could do to change her mind. Thinking of their four-year-old son Luther, the couple buried their fight and raised the baby as part of their family - or at least they tried.
Devyn turned out to inherit quite a bit of his mothers looks, like her soft facial features, the bright brown colour of her hair and light freckles that would take over his face during summer time as a child. Still: the soft, wavy hair he shares with none of the other family members, including his younger sister that followed a year after he was born, along with every look into his bright blue eyes reminded his mother that he wasn't her husband's child, not even fully hers, that he had been forced upon them.
Growing up, Devyn's older brother Luther picked on him constantly, making him feel like a freak for not being their father's child, a fact all of the children knew from a very young age to keep any of them from finding it out on their own, which would have happened eventually. Of course his parents initially tried to stop it, but the young boy was only replicating the way they themselves treated their youngest son. No matter how badly they wanted to change it, they couldn't help but feel differently about Devyn - and Luther picked up on it.
He made sure to make Devyn's life as difficult as he possibly could, influencing his baby sister to do the same when she started to get older. Even though Devyn and Marie had a good relationship as kids, their family's behaviour changed that over time and she too pulled away from him.

Growing older

Devyn didn't exactly make it hard to pick on him. As long as he can remember, he felt like he was cursed. Not only was it clear to his little brain that his family didn't love him, didn't even really want him around, he also seemed to be surrounded by a foul aura of some kind.
When he was alone, things would break, branches would fall down, if he threw something it would end up hurting someone, animals never let him come close to them, dogs would bark, cats would hiss and even the doves around town square pecked at his fingers when he tried to feed them. School turned out to be even worse than what he went through at home, as the other kids would pick up on whatever was hovering over him and would avoid playing or even just talking with him, quickly he became their scape goat for everything that went wrong and the teachers, not able to withstand their instincts either, would believe them.

When Devyn reached puberty, all the resentment, all the sadness he felt started to turn into frustration and anger. Instead of hiding in the corner to cry, he would pick fights with the people that picked on him. He could fly into rages to big, people would end up getting hurt without Devyn remembering most of what had happened and with time, his behaviour made others stay clear of him almost entirely. When new kids entered the school, they would often feel drawn to him in some way, only to turn away in the end the more time passed.
He compensated for the loneliness by creating his own world on his computer. Online, nobody resented him for reasons he couldn't figure out, making him feel like there was something rotten inside him. He made friends quickly, the time he spent reading everything around him had built up quite the well of knowledge and his witty sense of humor let people enjoy talking to him, playing games with him. He started to skip classes to get home early, immediately sinking back into his online kingdom where other welcomed him and made him it was okay to just be who he was. He relied solely on the feedback he got online, started to do and say anything to please people and stay involved, devoted more and more time to keeping up his good image and would play for countless hours on end, through the night and into the next morning, then skipping school to keep going.
Eventually, his parents intervened and tried to get his problems under control, but Devyn wasn't exactly the quiet little angel he was as a child. They had him sent to a treatment facility for video game addicts when they couldn't find ways to get through to him anymore, something he initially harshly resented them for. The time he spent in the treatment center did him at least some kind of good, since the people there were specifically trained to deal with people that had a lot of difficulties, not to mention that Devyn wasn't the first person to make people in his presence feel bad, and at least he didn't actually give them much of a real reason to do so.

Becoming an addict

When Devyn was finally allowed to live with his family again, he found that not much had changed. Instead of hiding in his room, he resorted to hide outside and spent most of his time away from home, sometimes deep into the night. Being a very social person by nature, he searched for something to feel less alone while out and discovered the glory of alcohol. When he turned 18 he moved out after a huge fight with his brother, who was already studying to become an engineer and with no friends to crash at Devyn wound up living in a small, crappy apartement, without cable since he couldn't afford it and barely any connection to anything, keeping himself afloat by working a low-paying job at a bar not far from his building.
With no money, no friends, a shitty living environment and no form of hope for the future, Devyn came into contact with shady people, getting himself into not only taking, but after a while also selling drugs. The money he makes from his shitty job barely even covers his rent, so the revenue from dealing drugs is what enables him to live some kind of live with at least a bit of savings - if he doesn't spend it all on his own supply and alcohol.
Through his job at the bar, Devyn has also met a young man named Tristan who he began a relationship with. Tristan doesn't seem to be bothered by whatever it is that drives people away from Devyn, but he displays very rough, condescending, sometimes violent behaviour that Devyn accepts to have someone around in his life.


Luther older half-brother


Devyn has a very bad relationship with his brother.
They never got along when they were children, since Luther would resent his half-brother for not being his father's child. The older he got and the better he managed to grasp what actually happened to his mother that night, the worse his behaviour towards Devyn got.
Some time after Devyn graduated, the two of them got into a huge fight that ended with Devyn moving out and cutting ties with Luther entirely.

younger half-sister Marie

When they were kids, she and Devyn got along pretty well, often playing together and sharing similar interests.
With time however, Marie started to follow in her brother Luther's footsteps and started to resent Devyn for his heritage, pulling away from him. His relationship with her is not as bad as the one with his half-brother, but they're not on good terms.


Tristan boyfriend


Devyn and Tristan met through the former's drug addiction, one could say Tristan was the one to introduce him to the idea of not only consuming, but also dealing drugs on the side to get some extra cash.
Through Tristan, Devyn got to know some people that were already in the business, making it easier for him to get into the whole thing - though he still prefers to leave most of the work to his boyfriend, partly because of his rather superior build. Tristan also happened to draw Devyn's attention to the bar he's currently working at, a fact he likes to hold over the latter's head to manipulate him into conceding arguments to him.
All in all, Tristan is a rather rough person. Though he usually treats Devyn well enough, clearly caring about him, he can also be condescending, controlling, aggressive or even violent if his boyfriend doesn't let him have his way.

Devyn Kendrick




Devyn Kendrick


21 years





Kent Stirling (human vessel)

Lacertis (demon)

adoptive Father

Nigel Kendrick


Jean Curve


Luther Kendrick


Marie Curve


Tristan (boyfriend)