


4 years, 11 months ago


species Demigod
age Unknown in human years.
gender Female
pronouns She/her
orientation Heterosexual
height 5'0"
build Petite
job Protector
song Moon

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Lethality (yes/no)

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Beast of the Narrow Mountains...

Goma, who is known as Goma Seer, is the last generation of Demi God spawn left to tend to the people of this mountainous range. She inherited the surname Seer from the elder who raised her. The people of her tribe have lived in pure isolation from those around them for many decades, and said to have worshipped a mighty God who provided them the ability to grown food and maintain a healthy livestock. And to defend them from the treacherous beasts which lived amongst the dense trees and forests which cover the entire mountain. All this God asked of such people were that they worship him rightfully and offer him a sacrifice of two men and one woman every year. For many years this occurred, until one year the god fell in love with the woman. Their relationship brought forth a child, who showed immense power and promise. Though, this child was doomed to be of inhuman power and skill. And be isolated from those around them.

When other creatures on the mountain learned of this, the woman who birthed the demigod was slain and the child hidden. The god, knowing to stay would cost the tribe it’s home and existence. Tells the elder that he can no longer watch over them, but he will not leave them helpless. That the demigod will not be the only one, and each generation will have one to protect them and keep them safe.

What a gentle soul...

Goma is the most recent succession, and considered the gentlest of them all. All lines of Demi god hide their eyes, and they have the eyes of Gods. Besides that she is capable of acts of incredible strength and power. Picking up fallen trees and able to carry them, able to wield extremely heavy weapons. And very capable of fighting. She’s usually found helping others and doing minimal jobs around her village, and when she is not. She is patrolling and watching the wild life. Goma is extremely friendly and gentle, it’s always easy to make her laugh. But, she is very easily set off. She does not take kindly to threats or insults to the people she loves or her tribe. She is truly a beast when engaged. Her weapon of choice is her hands and feet, her hand held weapon which is rarely used is a farming sickle made specifically for her to use as a weapon. Goma has exceptional speed, and can exert so much force that she could shatter bones in a single punch. People don’t know that she herself exudes a lot of self control. She’s always aware of her body and what she’s doing. It is said that any who see her eyes never live to tell about it.

header three

Donec cursus tempor sagittis. Proin dolor augue, malesuada ac tortor placerat, dignissim posuere odio. Morbi orci ante, mollis vel massa at, tristique fringilla quam. Donec tincidunt metus ac dolor finibus sagittis. Morbi posuere sem a lacus luctus pulvinar. In ut arcu in massa scelerisque imperdiet sed sit amet odio. Proin mattis sagittis urna, id ullamcorper eros. Praesent tristique, augue quis feugiat volutpat, tortor ex condimentum nunc, at egestas sapien ipsum nec mauris. Vivamus pretium egestas pharetra.

Duis non scelerisque velit, non ultrices mauris. Donec elementum fermentum risus aliquet tristique. In a sem in ipsum tempus lacinia non et quam. Suspendisse et augue nec mauris aliquam fringilla id sed nulla. Mauris eu ante a metus porttitor feugiat ac sed ipsum. Donec lobortis elit id urna dictum lacinia. Duis nisl nibh, commodo id metus ut, feugiat eleifend nunc. Vestibulum malesuada est sed justo pharetra, sed sollicitudin odio maximus. Sed a nisi id lacus pharetra finibus. Cras ullamcorper leo at sagittis porta. Nulla dapibus, justo in suscipit molestie, libero mauris pharetra eros, et iaculis arcu ipsum sit amet felis. Pellentesque mattis congue urna et congue. Curabitur commodo leo a lectus fermentum interdum.

Masa // Lover.

He is, to her, the most precious thing in her small perceived reality of the world. Unlike those she has sworn to protect, he makes her feel as if she belongs. As if, being as odd as she is, is completely normal. For that, her love for him is endless. The happiness he brings her is indescribable. Goma loves him with all her heart. He is her special person.

name// relationship

write a little bit about their relationship here. couple lines would be best.

name// relationship

write a little bit about their relationship here. couple lines would be best.
