
5 years, 4 days ago




Name Paul Yorkster
Birthday Day 2, Month B, Year 7DA
Birthplace Phytos Kingdom
Powers Aura Manipulation


  • Clever
  • Generous
  • Cheerful


  • His mother
  • His siblings
  • Peace


  • When someone grabs his tail
  • Violence
  • Villains


A hybrid of Yorkshire and Shih Tzu. He was originally from Phytos Kingdom but moved to Vront Kingdom alongside his parents, older sister and younger brother due to a job offer that his father accepted quickly. Paul’s mother is a very caring and well protective, while his father is very absent on his life, as he works day and night in an industry that he doesn’t even reveal to his family by fear. Paul is cheerful with his quiet younger brother and generous with his extrovert older sister, although she is a little snob. In his first day at Vront Kingdom, Paul met Ferrer and Kitsuu when he was walking alongside his mother and younger brother. Paul admires Ferrer and Kitsuu’s doings to the Kingdom so much and wishes to be a hero, just like them, which made the trio become friends and form a team of saviors. Paul is able to manipulate his aura, shooting surging spheres, beams and even conjuring claws and a shield made of his aura. He inherited the aura manipulation from his mother, who is an honorable warrior of peace and a former heroine of Qophper.

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