


Basic Info


Styling hair, painting nails, making bracelets


Threading needles, splinters, getting her hands dirty

Favorite Food



Dangly things (earrings, bracelets, necklaces)

Random Tibit

Can move her third eye separate from the other two


Outer Venom Ocean (Ovo)


Wanna know something really cool about having three eyes? You can have THREE different colored eyes if you want! 

But that hobby can be pretty expensive, so young little Marnie here decided to get a quaint little job at the local crafts store to get the monies for such cool endeavors. 

And also for the good health benefits. 

I mean how hard could it be, working at a crafts store in the middle of a demon city? What good god fearing soul of the damned would be looking for paisley print on a Wednesday anyways? Which is why she thought it would be a walk in the park job. And she was right! But then one day the strangest customer walked in. Looking straight out of one of those shonen animes you see on late night tv, this kid walks in with the most WICKED metal on his arm. Or is it his real arm? Wait his arm is metal, really?!

She just could not take her eyes off of it. Is it real, like REALLY real? 

Then he came up to the counter, shiny arm and all, buying some knives or some shit, and she just couldn't help herself. 

Who knows what made her do it, I don't think even she could tell you, even if she wanted to. But some odd force just made her pick up one of the fridge magnets sitting on the counter, and put it on his arm. 

And it stuck. 

Then she picked up another one. 

And it stuck. 

Then she picked up another one. 

And it stuck. 

... *a tumbleweed rolls by, crickets chirping in the distance* 

Then she removed the magnets, and rang up his stuff. And he left. 


And that is how friendships are made.