Little Fire of Forest



5 years, 5 days ago



Little Fire of Forest

Alias Fire
Age & DoB 18 years | May 26th
Gender Cisfemale
Race Tabaxi
Class & Lvl Monk 14
Subclass Open Hand
Background Wanderer
Alignment Chaotic Neutral

Proficiency Bonus +5
Initiative +10
Speed 65 ft
Armor Class 18
Max HP 157
Hit Dice 1d8+4

Ability Scores


23 (+6) Strength
+11 Saving Throw
20 (+5) Dexterity
+10 Saving Throw
18 (+4) Constitution
+9 Saving Throw
9 (-1) Intelligence
+4 Saving Throw
10 (+0) Wisdom
+5 Saving Throw
16 (+8) Charisma
+8 Saving Throw
+10 Acrobatics (Dex)
+0 Animal Handling (Wis)
-1 Arcana (Int)
+11 Athletics (Str)
+3 Deception (Cha)
+1 History (Int)
+5 Insight (Wis)
+3 Intimidation (Cha)
-1 Investigation (Int)
+0 Medicine (Wis)
-1 Nature (Int)
+5 Perception (Wis)
+3 Performance (Cha)
+3 Persuasion (Cha)
-1 Religion (Int)
+5 Sleight of Hand (Dex)
+10 Stealth (Dex)
+5 Survival (Wis)


Moon-Touched Shortsword
1d8+6 Piercing

Produce Flame
3d8 fire

Unarmed Strike
1d8+6 Bludgeoning

1d8+6 Slashing


Shortsword, Simple Weapons
Flute, Woodcarver's Tools

Features & Traits

Darkvision (Tabaxi)
You can see in darkness (shades of gray) up to 60 ft.
Feline Agility (Tabaxi)
When you move on your turn in combat, you can double your speed until the end of the turn. Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you move 0 feet on one of your turns.
Cat's Claws (Tabaxi)
You have a climbing speed of 20 ft. and your claws are natural weapons that deal 1d4 +6 slashing damage, instead of the normal bludgeoning damage for an unarmed strike.
Cat's Talent (Tabaxi)
You have proficiency in the Perception and Stealth skills.
Unarmored Defense(Monk)
While not wearing armor and not using a shield, your AC equals 10 + DEX modifier + WIS modifier.
Martial Arts (Monk)
While you are unarmed or wielding only monk weapons and you aren’t wearing armor or wielding a shield, you can use DEX instead of STR for the attack and damage rolls, you can roll your Martial Arts damage die in place of the normal damage, and when you use the Attack action on your turn, you can make one unarmed strike as a bonus action.
Unarmored Movement (Monk)
Your speed increases by 25 feet while you are not wearing armor or wielding a shield.


Flurry of Blows

Immediately after you take the Attack action on your turn, you can spend 1 ki point to make two unarmed strikes as a bonus action.

Patient Defense

You can spend 1 ki point to take the Dodge action as a bonus action on your turn.

Step of the Wind

You can spend 1 ki point to take the Disengage or Dash action as a bonus action on your turn, and your jump distance is doubled for the turn.

Zodiac sign Gemini
Demeanour Energetic
Sexuality Asexual
Relationship status Single
Love language Gifting

Economic background Poor
Religion Agnostic/ Worships Matahari
Nationality Sentoki
Current residence N/A

Personality Traits

  • I place no stock in wealthy or well-mannered folk. Money and manners won’t save you from a hungry owlbear.
  • I’m always picking things up, absently fiddling with them, and sometimes accidentally breaking them.


  • Nature. The natural world is more important than all the constructs of civilization. (Neutral)
  • Change. Life is like the seasons, in constant change, and we must change with it. (Chaotic)
  • Glory. I must earn glory in battle, for myself and my group. (Any)


  • I am the last of my tribe, and it is up to me to ensure their names enter legend.


  • There’s no room for caution in a life lived to the fullest.
  • Violence is my answer to almost any challenge.

Positive Traits

  • Adventourous
  • Optimistic
  • Adaptable

Negative Traits

  • Careless
  • Insecure
  • Compulsive

Punch everything
Punch anything


  • Woodcarving
    • Fire used Woodcarving various times in her village. She's grown a fondness for it.
  • Vines
    • She use to climb on them all the time. She also uses them for decoration.
  • Tropical Flowers
    • They're very pretty.
  • Warm Temps
    • Warmer climates is what Fire is use to and comfortable with. Nothing is better than sunning yourself on a rock.
  • Chicken
    • Her favourite food. Tasty.


  • Snow
    • It looks so soft but it's so cold!
  • Cold Temps
    • Coming from tropical climates- Fire cannot handle cold tempratures.
  • Bees
    • Stung one too many times.
  • Tropical Birds
    • Tropical birds are so loud. The always wake Fire up.
  • Thunderstorms
    • Spooky.


  • Adventure
    • Fire wishes to see as much of the world as she can.
  • Gain the wraps of Dyamak
    • Every monk's dream.
  • Save the world!
    • Woo!


  • Loud Noises
    • She's prone to being jumpy. Anything from a loud bang to thunderstorms.
  • Not being useful.
    • Fire is fairly insecure and is always fretting over being good use to her party.
  • Deep water/Drowning
    • thalassophobia.

Skills & Abilities

  • content
    • info
  • content
    • info
  • content
    • info
  • content
    • info
  • content
    • info


  • Fire was my first d&d character
  • The clan she comes from, Clan of The Rising Sun, is named off of RisingSunWarriors.
  • She was originally going to be based on a strawberry tiger. Later, her god Matahari, was based on a strawberry tiger.
  • She was based on Yang Xiao Long from RWBY.
  • Fire was created June 16th, 2018.
Height 5'0"
Weight 100 lbs
Build Lithe
Health Healthy
Skin tone Peach
Eye color Leaf Green
Fur color Orange Tiger Striped
Hair style Short and Scruffy

Blood type A+
Dominant hand Right
Voice Higher pitched and fast
Associated flower Tiger Lily

Fire is an orange tabaxi, with a cream coloured muzzle, neck, chest, stomach, underside of arms, paws, back of legs, feet, and underside of her tail. Fire has black tiger stripes covering her fur, with black coloured ears that have cream coloured circles on them, and a black tail tip. Her tail is long and thin. She has leaf green eyes, a pink nose and paw pads. Her claws are white, and she has a few nicks in her ear, and a gold earring on her left one. She also gained a scar on her right shoulder
Fire's outfit is a dark green and lighter green coloured shirt that is torn at the end to expose her stomach, with green wraps surrounding her chest. She wears a pair of brown shorts, with a darker coloured belt. On her belt is a dark green crystal that hangs down, tied on with a string. Fire wears dark green stockings that expose her toes. In addition she has green wrappings. On her right arm the wrappings go up to just before her elbow, while on her left, they go up until her shoulder. She also has a bit of the material on her left leg where her shorts end. Fire also has two sections of her tail wrapped up- the base and near the tip.
  • She has circles on the back of her ears.
  • Her left sleeve goes up to her shoulder- whilst the other only goes to her forearm.
  • Her shirt is ripped exposing her stomach.
  • She has a gem hanging from her belt. It is important and cannot be removed.



  • CP: 6
  • SP: 00
  • EP: 00
  • GP: 392
  • PP: 00


  • Treasure (value): 00
  • Treasure (value): 00
  • Treasure (value): 00
  • Treasure (value): 00
  • Treasure (value): 00


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Little Fire of Forest is a tabaxi, from a far away clan named The Rising Sun Clan, on an island named Sentoki. Nicknamed Fire, she's a member of Fighter's Edge, and is a monk.


Little Fire of Forest was born in the clan of the rising sun, "the Rising Sun clan". The tabaxi clan was located on top of a forested mountain. She was born in a litter of three, with a brother named Smoke Caught in Wind, and a sister named Flame of Dry Leaf. Little Fire of Forest was the smallest of the litter, the runt. She was known as Little in the clan, and was always the smallest of her siblings, and age group.

At the time of the litter's birth, there was a forest fire seen in the distance, but it was never deemed as a danger to the clan's location. Growing up in the clan, Little always seemed to be left out. Her siblings and other kits of the clan teased her, and Little wasn't given the chance to prove herself in the clan, as many thought she would be too weak or small to do any major task.

Little's only job was to help collect minor building materials, and berries. The small tabaxi wasn't given much of a place in the clan, and often spent it climbing trees and entertaining herself.

The years went on, and the fire in the distance grew and smoldered, then grew then smoldered again. One year, during the hottest time of the year, rain hardly felt. The clan had been more concerned of the lack of drinking water to pay attention to the fire until the flame started to lick the camp's bramble walls.

The clan fled. Little tripped and fell as they escaped the flames. Only her brother looked back but he kept running as a burning tree fell in between them. Little's small size allowed her to weave under some fallen trees, and escape her near death. The tabaxi collapsed on the sand of a beach, from a mix of exhaustion, smoke inhalation, and shock.

The young tabaxi was found on the shore by a rescue team. Little was taken to the mainland where she was treated for her injuries. There Little was taken in by a monastary and she lived there for ten years. With no where to go, Little learned the way of the open hand, by a spotted tabaxi named Coursing River. River taught Little many of her basic skills, but didn't stop Little from getting into trouble with the other trainees. River told Little about the wraps of dyamak.

A lion-cub tabaxi named Leaf from Fallen Oak. Oak was a loud, brash, young lion tabaxi, who ruthlessly teased Little. Little tried to ignore it at first, until Oak hit a weak point - her size and strength. Little revolted, and the two started a fight. While Little got a few good hits in, Oak eventually won with a stunning strike making Little fall to the ground in defeat.

Little recovered after their fight but was told she could not stay in the monastery, due to no tolerance to fighting. Little, despite her resistance, was sent away. The tabaxi noticed Oak was expelled too, but he turned his head away when Little looked at him.

Eventually Little board a boat to Tal'dorei. Little renamed herself to Fire in hopes to find a new life.


Trivia of home & culture

Sentoki means 'spear'

The island is home to three clans with three different biomes. Mountainous jungles, sweeping plains, and murky marshes.

It also houses a small village called the Otoko Village.

The Rising Sun Clan is named off RisingSunWarriors.

The clan was formed by Matahari. It houses mainly tiger, panther, jaguar, and leopard tabaxi.

The clan is represented by the sun, fire, and strength. They live in the mountainous jungles and frequently deal with forest fires.

The Setting Moon Clan was founded by Velox. It's home to savannah based tabaxi. Lion, cheetah and leopard tabaxi are common.

The clan repsents the moon, water, wind, and swiftness. The live on the plains.

The clan is prone to droughts.

The Still Twilight Clan was founded by Senja. Its home panther and cougar tabaxi.

The clan represents balance, and the stars.

This clan is prone to corrupt leaders.


Fighter's Edge Tal'Dorei

Aug 3rd 2018 - Present

A group of four adventurers team up to kick some ass and save the world.

Session 1

-Party met in stillben pub for the first time (Fire, Simke and Isabella)

-Took job from sleazy half-elf man to break into forgotten mansion after first group was unsuccessful.

-As approached, were attacked by an undead spirit and set the grass on fire.

-Entered and began exploring, making way in the darkness into the basement.

-Discovered raised corpses of the men and killed them.

-As began to approach tunnel, ran into mysterious undead figure flanked by two skeletal guards.

-Undead figure sent guards after the party, nearly killing them as he fled further down.

-The skeletons were dispatched with the party running down the hall further.

-Came upon a portal, whereby Fire went through to scout.

-Upon coming out at the other end, found the undead figure escaping with an obscured item in hand.

-Within the cavern was a large, ogre-sized skeleton of a fetal child resting within the cavern.

Session 2

-Party reacted to ending events of last session.

-Party (Fire,Simke,Isabella) Re-entered the portal and inspected the area. Party left as concerns about portal closing.

-Party looted the room.

-Continued exploration of downstairs, walking into room where large zombie came from.

-Fought a piece of animated Plate Armour, defeating it and taking it for themselves.

-Went upstairs, exploring the then-unexplored left wing. Came into contact with additional spirits and broke past a Bookshelf hiding a secret room.

-Took down twin spirits coming from an enchanted ring.

-Sintha and Serena(NPC) entered house after fight finished, beginning discussion about the job that the party was hired for.

-The group returns to the original tavern, confronting Fivin about the questionable circumstances. Nights rest is purchased.

-The group sets out to meet a shady contact to follow up with what the three describes.

-They meet the girsly and disturbing Malex Yones, a bard cursed by the dieties for spinning lies, as he preaches to a group of Kobolds.

A fight ensues with a kill count of 14 Kobolds.

-The creature reveals to the party after much persuasion the existence of a cult of powerful death worshippers within the base of Summit's Peak

-The Party decides to return to Stillben to seek work and grow stronger before following the trail of the deathly creature they had encountered in the mansion.

Session 3

-The party decides to go to another tavern named 'The Crooked Gill', which is run by a male elf and a male Dragonborn. The pub is a haven for travellers.

-As the team walks in they are spotted by two commoners: a fisherman named Jimmy and a farmer named Thomas. Thomas has run into an issue where his cows are fraught with an illness and then walk off the farm. The group accepts payment in the form of him putting them up in three rooms that night.

-The group visits the farm before sunset where they look further into the situation. Thomas claims that the cows are going into random spots of the fence and clawing thier way through before going into the forest. The group decides to investigate in the morning, but Sintha chooses to stay in the barn overnight.

-Simke, Fire and Isabella go back to the Crooked Gill and settle down for the night.

-In the wee hours of the morning, Sintha wakes up to two small fungal creatures opening the barn doors. He engages, but almost gets killed and retreats from their senses. He then observes, while very injured, as 8 of the farmers 16 cows are led into the forest.

-During the night, Simke Lahal is fraught with a vision. She is led into the forest to a grove of the Wildmother, Melora. There her birthright is given to her in the form of a totem containing three animal spirits: a bear, an eagle, and a unicorn. She is also shown how to shift into a wolf, unlocking Wild Shape.

-Sintha returns to the inn, severely injured, and is healed by Isabella. He explains what took place and the dangers that lurk. The group decides to investigate further in the morning.

-Before heading out to the farm the group takes a moment to go briefly shopping. Simke visits a joint blacksmith-tannery store where she obtains a set of Bear hide armour. The rest of the group meanwhile visits 'Gilmore's Glorious Goods and Trading Co.', where Sintha purchases a Dark Shard Amulet.

-The group ventures back to the farm, having a small encounter with Thomas. They follow the trail, Simke using her newfound wolf form to catch the scent and race through the woods.

-They come across a clearing with the corpses of the cattle that had been taken from the farm, as well as the two fungal creatures and three wandering cultists. In the distance as well is a corrupted Dryad.

-The group engages, killing quickly the fungal threats and dispatching all but one cultist. The dryad enters the fray, trying to first Charm Isabella then attempting to strike her. Fire retalliates back, severely damaging it before Isabella turned the creature into a burnt husk of death.

-The final cultist is brought to deaths door by wolf-Simke, stabilized by isabella to be interrogated. The cultist spills about how they were recruited to rituallistically kill beasts for their blood, and they were hired by one of the owners of the Smokes End Tavern to clear some debt. As the party mulls about what to do with him a Spectre comes and breaks his neck. The undead is quickly killed with a well-placed Guiding Bolt and evaporates into dust.

-The group loots the bodies of the cultists, finding a sigil to a dark god. When Isabella tries to study the item she becomes physically sick. Sintha recognizes it as the sigil for the Whispered one, Vecna. The others recognize it as the symbol the Deathlock took from the mansion. As they turn to notice, they realize that all of the blood in the cows has mysteriously drained away.

Session 4

-Group chose to head back to farm after discussing events of last session briefly. Ran into Thomas the farmer whos cattle was disappearing and informed him of the news that his twenty cows were dead. He headed home in a panic attack due to the stress of all of his cattle having been ritualistically killed.

-The group chose to head directly to "The Smokes' End Tavern", the tavern co-owned by the man who had hired the cultists. They go in with the intention to sleep in the rooms above.

-When they approach the tavern they pass by a half-elf woman with a long leather coat, and a drow elf man who intimidates the group before both leaving. They mention 'skinning' people.

-The group enters the tavern, taking a corner table. The building is L shaped, and they are watched by everyone. They notice a large Goliath man some distance away, as well as the bartender named Doug who stares at them.

-Sintha walks to the bartender, asking for a drink. He notices the bartender slipping something into the drink. Sintha demands the bartender drink the ale, causing a stalemate. Sintha says that he is looking for information, and with a whistle the group is surrounded by the goliath and three other thieves. The group agrees to head to the downstairs. Above the door frame is a script in Theives Can't, which Isabelle identifies but can't read.

-The group is led to a basement, with four chairs on one long side of the table and one chair on the other for Doug. Isabelle notices that there are hidden doors within this cellar.

-Doug threatens the group to leave town since they know too much about the situation, and their actions have negatively impacted his business. He also implies that Serena is about to be dead, The group 'agrees' to leave the town, as they leave Sintha stink bombs the basement and then kills all the lights upstairs in the tavern. The group flees.

-The group returns to the Sunset Stride Tavern, where they find that Serena has dispatched three assassins. The group gets her up to speed and they choose to flee towards the harbour and board a ship called the "Lady of the Breach",captained by a man named Geoffery. As they head for the docks, they notice that they are being followed in the shadows.

-The group rests on the ship as they head for the lair. During his meditation, Sintha is pulled into the realm of his patron Mente P'Vrey and his realm of knowledge. The Archfey warns him of the coming dangers he wanders in, showing him the events of the last time Vecna was ressurected and struck the city of Vasselheim 20 years ago. He also commands the Elf to seek out the secrets of the cult, as they are the most sought after. Finally, the archfey grants him a Tome of Shadows to aid him in his quest.

-Everyone wakes up, well rested at the crack of dawn. The ship lands at a crooked wharf and begins the walk towards their destination. When they near it, they are shot at by a sniper and assaulted by two humanoid zombies and one Ogre zombie.

-The zombies are dispatched quickly, the sniper attempting a feint with an earthen shield after she is nearly knocked out by the bust of Betty White. Sintha calls her bluff, leading to a revelation that the sniper; the half-elf from the tavern, is the royal princess knows as "Victoria Vex'illien Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo", princess of the famous hero and further infamous inventer of firearms. She is also revealed to be a warlock to the mysterious entity known as Orthax. She pleads for mercy, stating that she can navigate them through the tunnels that face them ahead safely to their goal of killing the Deathlock. She also warned of the ritual that was taking place in but 18 hours. She then feints.

-The group returns to the ship, sailing nearby the coast to burn 8 hours to grant a long rest.

Session 5

-Group questioned Vicky about her legitimacy as someone they could trust. Sintha studied her weapon and proved to them that she was a warlock by making her weapon disappear.

-The group landed on the dock and headed into the cavern, where they encountered three Minotaur Skeletons. The group obtained 3 greataxes.

-The group rested for a short time and were interrupted by the previous bartender Doug, as well as his muscle Karlgath and the drow elf. A firefight ensued with the Goliath-Lycan being killed quickly, followed by the elf. Doug was shattered into smoke and ash after being blasted by the killing blow from Vicky.

-The group continued inward, getting the jump on two cultists guarding two separate doors. They dispatched them rapidly.

-Within the right chamber they found 600 gold (adding to the 120 they found from both cultists and Doug), a Pot of Awakening, five Superior Potions of Healing, a Moon-Touched Shortsword, and a mysterious artifact called the "Mask of the Insurrecting Thrall". Vicky attempted to convince the group to give her the item, but was rebuked by Sintha who took it for himself.

-The group went into the left chamber, freeing the captive slaves from sacrifice. Two priests of Sarenrae the Everlight healed the group to full health and returned full spell slots to the casters of the group.

-Continuing down the tunnel they entered the mouth of the main chamber. With speed they quickly dispatched the final foe between them and their final foe: a poor Vampire.

-The group now prepares to face down the Deathlock for the final showdown.

Session 6

-The group crosses a natural bridge towards a circular stone platform in the centre of a lake filled with red viscous blood. Surrounding the perimetre are 30 foot wire racks with bodies whom left eyes and left hands are missing, left drained. In the centre floats the Deathlock that the group had first encountered, flanked by the astral visage of an ornately-dressed man identified as a vampire. In the centre of the raised platform is a head-sized blood red crystal with a heart in the centre.

-The fight commenced, the Deathlock ressurecting minions to come down from the rack to attack the group. The fight goes on for several rounds, the Deathlock utilizing Arms of Hadar and Hunger of Hadar to stop them,

-Eventually the group, with a mighty hammer swing of shining silver light, struck down the beings physical body. But in a cry of horror, the spirit of the being rose again to strike out.

-With the final death of the creature a billowing wave of power emenated from the crystal, the undead falling victim and the racks of corpses falling into the lake.

-The group took a breather assessing the situation. With no other alternative, Serena cracked the crystal and absorbed the heart, and its souls, into her body before falling into a coma. Her last request was for Sintha to bring her body to Jiln Tenongore in Westruun, and noted that if she begins to expire that the book of knowledge he possesses would open up.

-As the group left they found another door within the cavern that held a single sack. Tipping the sack over led to a collection of 5000 gold coins and 2500 gold worth of gems, jewels and jewelry that once belonged to the victims of the cult.

-The group left the cavern, noticing the corpse of the Goliath Karlgath was missing. They set sail back to Stillben and landed in the pitch of night. As they headed towards the end of the city, they were surrounded by Clasp members. Their leader, a large female human by the name of Helga, thanked them for killing Doug. She offered them a canvassed cart and two horses provided that they leave the town and called it even. The group did so, loading the unconscious body of Serena in the back and set off for Westruun. As they left, Vicky made mention of her eventual plan to head back home to Whitestone.

Session 7

-The group heads out on the road, the destination being the distant city of Westruun. Serena's body lies in a coma, made as comfortable as possible given the circumstances. The journey will take about three days travel with their one horse. Various people take time throughout the day keeping watch and driving, noting the occasional merchant cart that passes by them heading towards Stillben. Sintha creates a familiar which he uses to scout.

-The group notices a cart coming up behind them, heading the same direction as they are. The cart eventually catches up, consisting of a group of Platinum Dragon members: Isaiah the Knight, Bethice the priestess, a Minotaur, and hidden from sight in the cart a Dragonborn that they are transporting.

-After a brief discussion resulting from Simke falling out of the cart, the groups decide to travel together in a convoy for protection. The Platinum Dragon group takes lead, with the PC's taking the rear.

-A few hours pass and the groups break for camp. Vicky and Sintha take first watch, followed by Isabella and Fire, with Simke taking the final watch. Near the end of the first watch, Vicky confronts Sintha about ownership of the mask at the threat of gunpoint. She explains what powers its capable of, and reveals her curse that will force her to kill her family while she is bound to the Shadow Demon Orthax. Persuasion checks abound and leads to a flinging of spells; Sintha attempting to freeze Vicky, while she tried to charm him. Sintha moves for his familiar to wake Simke, but is promptly killed with a well-placed Eldritch blast. The evening calms when a standoff ensues, a silent promise made about the future, and Vicky backing off.

-The morning rises, everyone getting back onto the carts and heading off. The group travels across a small bridge, with a clearing forming into a path through the forest. With a large crash the tree topples the only way through the forest. The group tracks the rustling of movements, and a large beast breaks through into the clearing. A similar one bursts from the river below and attack.

-The groups move swiftly against the Krasis, striking to kill it switfly. The beasts seem to give minimal notice however, transfixed on the Dragonborn in the back of the cart. One beast falls, but the second clutching its victim and racing through the water and out of sight.

-Knight Isaiah panicks, explaining that many Dragonborn had been killed in this area, and thus requiring him to be protected with an escort. They reveal that the Dragonborn, whom had been from Wildemounte, had seen visions of a powerful shield called "Honours Last Stand". Vicky moves towards Sintha after hearing the name of the shield and states that the shield is an ancient item similar to the "Mask of the Insurrecting Thrall". Sintha sends his familiar to scout, noticing that the beast has moved from the river and into the forest. They set out with Vicky guarding Serena.

-After an hour of searching, they track down to the cave that the monstrosity fled to. Upon entering, they discovered the long lost brother of Sintha, Krinthos. The Eladrin elf has been transformed into a goat-man and speaks about a strange world where he learned how to create the two lives of the Krasis. He tells a tale of attempting to save the life of a child from a Cult of Dragon raid, and when they were both about to be killed they were instead engulfed in flames and were transported elsewhere.

-He explains that the Cult is on the move again, collecting treasure to summon their dark goddess. He shows them his laboratory, the bones of slain Dragonborn strewn about. In admittance, he hunted for a weakness to kill the dragons but instead could only find Dragonborn.

-The exchange heats up, Sintha calling out his brother for killing innocent people. A fight ensues, with the quick death of both Krinthos and the surviving Krasis.

-The group retrieves a number of items, including the shield "Honors Last Stand". Bringing back the body of their fallen comrade, the Platinum Dragons mourne before continuing the journey to Westruun.

-A number of days past without any further incident on the road, the Platinum Dragons inviting Isabella to discuss with them the events. As they crest over the last hill before their destination, they see the gates to the city.



[ Tabaxi | Male | 40 years | Deceased ]

Rock is a dark furred tiger tabaxi. He died during the forest fire that destoryed the camp.

Sun the Shines on Water
Shine | Mother

[ Tabaxi | Female | 40 years | Deceased ]

Shine is a light furred tiger tabaxi. She died from smoke inhaliation.

Flame on Dry Leaf
Leaf | Sister

[ Tabaxi | Female | 18 years | Druid ]

Leaf is a light furred tiger tabaxi with a scarred arm. She is a wildfire druid.

Smoke caught in Wind
Smoke | Brother

[ Tabaxi | Male | 18 years | Sorcerer ]

Leaf is a dark furred tiger tabaxi with a scarred arm. He is a sorcerer.


[ race | gender | age | occupation ]



[ race | gender | age | occupation ]



[ race | gender | age | occupation ]



[ race | gender | age | occupation ]



[ race | gender | age | occupation ]



[ race | gender | age | occupation ]



[ tabaxi | male | ??? | alive ]



[ race | gender | age | occupation ]



[ race | gender | age | occupation ]


Fighter's Edge


[ Tiefling | female | ??? | cleric ]



[ human | female | ??? | druid/ranger ]



[ Elf | male | unknown | warlock/artificer ]



[ race | gender | age | class ]



[ race | gender | age | class ]
