


5 years, 17 days ago


Basic Info
Name Stanley Jae Thompson
Nickname Stanley
Age 18
Birthday January 1
Height 5'9
Gender Male
Species Human
pronouns He/Him
Ethnicity Eurasian
Blood Type B
Orientation Homosexual
Occupation Student
Status Taken
theme I Would
  • Celery
  • Jazz & Alternative Music
  • His Dog, Shelby
  • Iced Coffee
  • Iced Tea
  • Basketball
  • Working
  • Salt Water
  • Sun Burns
  • Heavy Metal
  • Slacking Off
  • Capricorn
  • ISFJ-T
  • Thai-English (Thai Mother, English Father)
  • Has a pet beagle named Shelby
  • Workaholic
  • Is a swimmer but plays basketball in his free time
  • Was the bassist in a middle-school band
  • Can play the bass
Design Notes
  • Wears flip flops a lot
  • Has a lot of freckles
  • Has bangs and very fluffy hair
  • Often has tan lines around his eyes and hairline from swim goggles and swim caps

Resilient . Diligent . Reserved . Stubborn

Stanley is a socially awkward but kind individual who often finds himself caught up in his thoughts and in whatever he's doing. He's extremely hard-working and ambitious which ends up in him being a workaholic who doesn't get enough sleep for all the things he does. He's an overachiever with a sarcastic and dark sense of humor but is always happy and confident around friends and close mutuals. And while he stumbles over his words most of the time in social situations, when the time comes for it, he can be rather confronting and can catch people off-guard with how quick his personality changes as soon as he becomes serious.

Despite being awkward and shy around people he doesn't know, he's very prideful and stubborn, never wanting to admit his wrongdoings as he feels that his hard work makes it an exception.


Stanley grew up in Bangkok, Thailand and has lived there for all his life, only changing schools once after middle school to take his IGCSEs in a different part of the city. He was active as a child, playing a lot of sports but also listening to a lot of music and overall being very creative. He's always loved being active and working on something for a bigger outcome which he takes from his parents. He was an only child which led to him becoming very close to Meg and Tim as they often went on holidays together since his parents didn't want him growing up alone. In middle school, he picked up playing the bass and started a band with a few of his friends which stayed together even after he left. After A-Levels he went to study in England and joined a swim team there but comes back to Thailand a lot to see his friends and family.


Kaiden | Boyfriend

Met through Will and Tim shortly after high school and quickly became friends. Despite all the awkward situations they've been in, they enjoy each other's company and relationship.

Tim | Best Friend

Childhood friends as their parents have known each other since they were toddlers. Never grown apart since he transferred schools shortly before Kaiden transferred. Were part of the same band in middle school.

Meg | Best Friend

Childhood friends, have known each other for as long as he's known Tim. They used to do swimming together up until Meg quit for volleyball. Were part of the same band in middle school.