


5 years, 18 days ago


Basic Info
Name Timothy Edwards
Nickname Tim
Age Info
Birthday September 4
Height 5'9
Gender Male
Species Human
Pronouns He/Him
Ethnicity Eurasian
Blood Type O
Orientation Bisexual
Occupation Student
Status Taken
  • Video Games
  • Skateboarding
  • Basketball
  • Dogs
  • Photography
  • Black Coffee
  • Literature
  • Libra
  • ESFP-T
  • Australian-Filipino (Australian Mother, Filipino Father)
  • Goes to a community college
  • Can play the guitar and keyboard
  • Played the guitar and keyboard in a middle-school band
  • Skater boy
  • Makes tiktoks and is considered an e-boy

Friendly . Loyal . Gregarious . Empathetic

Tim is a very sociable and friendly individual. He gets a long with almost everyone and has good relationships with nearly everyone he's met. He's mutuals with a lot of people and is an all-around well liked guy. He's extremely loyal to a fault with his closest friends and acts as the voice of reason in any argument. He hates conflict among his friends and refuses to let anything between his relationships. This makes him very trustworthy but vulnerable to those who would want to exploit this.

Tim rarely gets confrontational as he is usually very accepting and friendly but is willing to do so if his friends are involved.


Tim grew up in Thailand


Angela | Girlfriend

Met shortly after middle school in basketball camp, went to different schools but grew closer in training up until Angela quit. Got together late middle school and early high school and plan to study in Australia together after she graduates.

Stanley | Best Friend

Childhood friends as their parents have known each other since they were toddlers. They were part of the same band in middle school and continued to be close even after Stanley transferred schools.

Meg | Best Friend

Childhood friends, have known each other for as long as he's known Stanley. Were part of the same band in middle school and often hang out together with Stanley.

Kaiden | Best Friend

Met in middle school as they were in the same class and were neighbors. They grew close over their shared love for video games and sports. Tim introduced him into skateboarding and he sees him as a brother and introduced him to Stanley.