


7 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Miljenko Petrovich






University student (economics department)






birthNovember 2nd
alignmentLawful neutral

Shy, reserved and socially anxious - it is no wonder Miljenko fades into the background. He has always favoured his own company above any else's but growing up that favouring developed into a general discomfort with being around too many people. Even fairly simple interactions have him stuttering and fumbling over his words all the while his heart races as though possessed. And in turn people feel awkward around him, thinking they might have offended him somehow.

He would not call it sadness, but Miljenko has always struggled with a feeling he could never quite identify: a longing of sorts, a craving for something he never managed to fulfil. And this shadow has been following him for as long as he could remember, though moving away from his family has made it all the worse. Miljenko always took his time to warm up to strangers but after moving and being surrounded exclusively by strangers he ceased warming up to mostly anyone - mostly. The exceptions are quite exceptional, people who understand and respect Miljenko's limits, who he cherishes with an affection few have seen from him.

While his resistance to socialising would appear to make him disinterested in society, the truth is that Miljenko loves people. He spends the bulk of his time engaging with the world through literature - both consuming others' and creating his own, fantasising about fiction and feeling more connected through others through the pages than he ever could in person.


“No one else around to look at me
So I can look at my shadow as much as I please”


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean eu tortor consectetur, suscipit velit ac, egestas nunc. Duis est est, ullamcorper in consectetur vitae, gravida et augue. Curabitur id arcu iaculis turpis ornare vestibulum eget at neque. Cras fermentum turpis in lectus malesuada, vel ultrices purus accumsan. Nunc a viverra nunc. Cras id elit diam. Curabitur volutpat tortor ut ullamcorper laoreet. Phasellus sed tincidunt erat, nec elementum purus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut elementum malesuada arcu non commodo. Mauris sit amet lacinia nulla. Pellentesque vestibulum ultricies odio nec pellentesque. Pellentesque ornare, diam ac semper iaculis, nulla dui gravida ante, eget vulputate justo tortor in risus. Aliquam elit dui, maximus nec leo a, hendrerit lobortis magna. Vivamus pulvinar tempor magna et luctus. Donec ut velit pulvinar, efficitur ligula quis, convallis risus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean eu tortor consectetur, suscipit velit ac, egestas nunc. Duis est est, ullamcorper in consectetur vitae, gravida et augue. Curabitur id arcu iaculis turpis ornare vestibulum eget at neque. Cras fermentum turpis in lectus malesuada, vel ultrices purus accumsan. Nunc a viverra nunc. Cras id elit diam. Curabitur volutpat tortor ut ullamcorper laoreet. Phasellus sed tincidunt erat, nec elementum purus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut elementum malesuada arcu non commodo. Mauris sit amet lacinia nulla. Pellentesque vestibulum ultricies odio nec pellentesque. Pellentesque ornare, diam ac semper iaculis, nulla dui gravida ante, eget vulputate justo tortor in risus. Aliquam elit dui, maximus nec leo a, hendrerit lobortis magna. Vivamus pulvinar tempor magna et luctus. Donec ut velit pulvinar, efficitur ligula quis, convallis risus.

“An ocean growing inside
All the others seem shallow”


  • Left-handed
  • Generally awkward around everyone, but slightly less awkward around women than men
  • Enjoys writing poetry a lot and has since he was a child, but does not let anyone read it. Ever
  • Drinks (probably) unhealthy amounts of coffee
  • Despite drinking so much coffee, Miljenko has no problems with sleeping
  • If anything, he tends to nap in odd places at random times (he's fallen asleep on the floor more times than he can remember)
  • Seagulls are his favourite animal
  • Hangs Christmas lights around his apartment, finds them soothing
  • Stutters when nervous


  • Wool-knit sweaters with cute patterns (his mum makes them!)
  • Also colourful and patterned sweaters in general honestly
  • Messy hair

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Miljenko's one and only friend who reached such status through sheer perseverance. Even though Miljenko initially had little interest in friendships, he gradually warmed up to Florise; in retrospect he is glad he befriended her, as he came to enjoy her company a lot and knowing he has someone he can count on is reassuring. He is still baffled by Florise's extroverted nature and sometimes finds her overwhelming but, all things considered, their friendship is extremely solid.

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inspiration tag

layout © tewro

images © firstclassmodernity, annie spratt, nycbambi, boris ivanović, ingelnook, arthur hickinbotham, allison christine, eric barbeau, inner

background © patternvomit