Siam (Stilbite)



8 years, 15 days ago


Name: Stilbite (Stil/Siam)
Nicknames: Madame S, Ma'am, Mummy, Boss, General (familiar) Stil, Siam, Mama S
Alignment: Rose Gold Diamond
Era: 1
Former Diamond: Canary
Reason for switching sides/staying: As the head of Canary's guards, Stilbite's passion for war and fighting is the reason behind her staying. After being inactive for so long, the chance to fight a real war is enough to rev up her engines!
Gender: Female: She / They
Gem(s) Location: Left Inner Elbow
Rank: Head of Guards
Appearance: Tall and broad shouldered, Siam has caramel skin and short white hair. She prefers closely shaven hair, although the natural floofiness of her hair is still evident. Her jumpsuit is made of light chiffon, tailored to suit her figure and utterly impractical for war, which reflects her notions of superiority (I s2g she'll kill whoever damages her jumpsuit!!!). She's still wearing kick-ass heels although they are a tad chunkier than her previous ones. She has large hooped earrings and bangles on each arm (2 on right, 1 on left). Siam shows her support to her new diamond by donning a golden cloak with Rose Gold's emblem as coat fasteners. Tall with a flowing gold that seemingly moves with an invisible wind, Siam cuts a striking figure amongst Canary's guard contingent. 
Height: 26ft (a giant)
Weapon: Magnetised Chakram + Small Shield 
Unique Abilities: Can throw her Chakram with incredible accuracy (within 0.05mm accuracy if you give her a target)
Synchronizing Style/Fusion Dance: The Samba! Athletic, Fast-paced, Strong, and Sensual!
Special Power: "Death Glare": This ability freezes foes in place as long as eye contact is kept from the controlling party. Even if the victim looks away, once a single glance takes place, the ability acts like a neurotoxin to paralyse. This ability does not work on solid visors but can penetrate semi-transparent ones.

Personality: Stilbite, once renowned for being the kind but stern head of guards who took her job very seriously, she was the type of gem that everybody was happy to call a mother. She could often be seen listening to random gems pouring out their troubles and is well liked in the court. When she shouted, gems listened because she was usually calm and sweet when off-duty(don't upset the mother dragon guys).

With the looming threat of all-out war, the other rarely seen side of Stilbite has become more dominant. She possesses an unhealthy zeal and a cruel streak that could make most gems sick. She's unafraid to commit terrible crimes for her diamond and is willing to do whatever it takes to win. She will not tolerate any betrayal and will actively shatter gems in her guard contingent. It's best to stay away from this war-loving beast if you don't share the same obsessive devotion to Rose Gold Diamond. To be quite honest, she's really just in it for the fighting but since she's fighting for a side, well, her side better damn well win. She's confident about her abilities and she strongly prefers a more direct approach. Just get it done, and neutralise the threat! 

Brief History/Backstory: A relatively ancient gem made on homeworld, Siam was created close to the beginning of proper gem production. She was always slated to be some sort of high ranking gem due to the rarity of her gemstone. It was decided by Yellow Diamond to have her trained as a guard and fighter due to her broad and tall physique. Over time as she rose through the ranks, she found herself in roles that required less fighting and more desk work. This unsettled her because of her fighting nature and training, leading her to rebel against her increasingly stifled lifestyle. The dissension gained her negative attention from Yellow Diamond and she was punished harshly by being imprisoned in another gem's weapon. The gem who received her weapon accidentally broke the weapon during battle and Siam was able to regenerate (to her surprise) on Earth. Successfully escaping the mass destruction of Earth's battle (whilst destroying quite a few gems for fun), Siam returned to homeworld. In a fit of spite, Canary decided to offer Siam a position of prestige to train guards and fighters for her court which were her original purposes before Yellow Diamond decided to punish her. Siam accepted the offer and quickly became attached to the gems that she trained, seeing them as her little chicks (a.k.a kids!). It was decided that Siam was too important to allow to remain on active guard duty and she was promoted to the head of guards, although Canary made sure to keep Siam busy and happy. Her job generally focused on arbitration, co-ordination, risk assessment, and training. She likes to mentor gems that are close to the end of their training and have shown exceptional potential. These gems are courted (heh) by her to join her band of elite guards. She also enjoys duelling other high-ranking gems in exhibition matches. 

As the head guard, Siam was unsurprised by the fusion of Canary and Pink Champagne, having foreseen this in her risk assessment reports with the help of several court sapphire seers. Shifting immediately away from passive guard duty to war mode is taking much of her time, the rest of which is devoted to making sure that her contingent blends and works well with Pink Champagne's existing guards. She hasn't yet met Champagne's head guard (if Champagne even has one), but is determined not to let internal conflicts interrupt the smooth operation of her guards. She's excited at the prospect of war again and some gems in the court have become concerned about her (usually) uncharacteristic sadism. 

With her equivalent in PCD's court abandoning her charges, it falls to Siam to integrate the new guards into the tight ship that she runs. Be warned for major changes if you are a guard and staying on from PCD's court! Siam is however, much nicer to her (former)Canary underlings than her PCD underlings because the bond she shares with her Canary kids is more familial. 

Other: Her Chakram has bevelled edges and sloping magnetized strips which allows it to clip into a full circle. The resulting circle can be thrown as a deadly disk that can slice through almost anything. She projects a small shield from her gemstone, mainly to stop fatal attacks on her gem. Do not expect this gem to be the nice and cuddly gem of Era 1, she was always ruthless and crazy about victory in battle but was able to hide it well. Nowadays, there is no longer a need to hide behind a veneer of kindness.