


5 years, 3 days ago


The Lord

Age old
Pronouns he
Species Demon
Mix here
Aes here
Height whatever he wants

Asmodai is a demon lord, commonly associated with the sin of lust. He commands large amounts of minions, with the abomination Rosier as his favorite pet.

Eons ago, Wormwood stuck him full of giant swords, turning him into a bit of a demonic pincushion and keeping him bound to the diabolical plane. As long as those swords remain, Asmodai cannot directly interact with the mortal plane, and has to resort to sending minions and appearing in dreams. Even though during the fight, he ripped Wormwood’s wings off and trapped it on the mortal plane, he doesn’t consider that sufficient payback. The wings are nailed above his bed. He wants the rest hanging there as well.

Asmodai is known among demons for his habit of taking trophies from those he considers to have "conquered."


When Asmodai is associated with lust, it's not just about sex. Asmodai's hallmark is domination and control. It's getting what he wants, when he wants it. It's humiliation , perversity, and extravagance.

Asmodai is not a personification of a deadly sin, and neither are any other members of the demonic court. The matching up of the capital vices with demonic lords is mostly a human construction that the demons themselves find rather amusing, and so nominally adopt in an absurd, dramatized sort of way.

Asmodeus is vindictive, controlling, and immensely selfish. He only cares for his own pleasure.

  • Evil Minions: Asmodai has legions of minions to send upon the Middle plane in his stead.
  • Dreamwalker: He can project himself into the dreams of the uprotected.
  • Unholy: Weak to divine weapons and other substances.
  • House Arrest: Asmodai is bound by Michaelic blades to his domain in Hell; he cannot physically enter any other plane, and is instead forced to work through minions or psychic links.

  • Human: Asmodai rarely appears in human form; he cannot possess a flesh body, instead affecting a glamour, essentially a hologram that he can project into the Middle plane for limited amounts of time. His favorite incarnation of this glamour is that of a 30-to-40-year-old handsome man, usually dressed in an immaculate suit and tie. He has a long, slender nose, sharp cheekbones, steely blue eyes, pale skin, and jet black hair swept back from his temples. He is tall and well built, with broad shoulders and strong legs.
  • Halfway: Asmodai does not adopt a mid-planar body, and thus has no mixed form.
  • Trueform: smodai's favored presentation in Hell is that of a giant, bipedal monster. He has the head of a skinned horse, with the bone showing through, but with two pairs of twisted ram's horns and sharp fangs. He has wide, unlidded eyes with black sclera and red irises. His tongue is gelatinous, as if made of prehensible congealed blood, and his saliva syrupy. His torso is roughly human, but appears to lack skin, so that all the musculature shows through. His arms and legs, however, end in scaled, roosterlike claws. He has a long, similarly armored tail. He appears with several pitch-black swords piercing through various points of his body, sometimes spearing limbs together, and his wounds constantly bleed.

  • Smug, languid, takes up as much space as he can.

  • Prefers to be fully nude.
  • When adopting human form in dreams, wears expensive, tailored suits.

Asmodai captured Rosier many eons ago, during one of the first battles between divine and diabolical. He dragged them down into Hell kicking and screaming, but somehow, when they finally emerged, it was with a black and thorny collar around their throat: Rosier had switched sides. Asmodai appreciates his most devoted servant, and enjoys their... "company," but he is a fairly fickle master, and it's not unthinkable that he would cast them aside as soon as a newer, more interesting plaything presents itself. The loyalty Rosier feels is definitely not returned with interest.


Wormwood is the angel who stuck Asmodai full of swords. In return, he ripped their wings off, but frankly? He's still pretty sore about it. Asmodai is not a gracious loser, and he's been stuck down below as an angelic pincushion for a very, very long time. He wants to find Wormwood. He wants Wormwood to take out the swords. And then, he wants Wormwood to burn and writhe and scream for all eternity.

code by jiko