


5 years, 20 days ago


Full Name                Alestra Viliana
Gender Female
Species Butterfly Demon
D.O.B 06/13/1989
Main SinHedonism
OccupationClub Dancer
Worth  $5



Sweet, innocent, and generous... is not how you would describe Alestra; not if you truly know her. She's certainly bubbly and upbeat, but she'll gleefully watch you crash and burn if it's funny enough! Like everyone in Pentagram City, she's only interested in her own needs and desires and won't hesitate to stab someone in the back if it means putting herself first.

Alestra will never turn down an offer to go partying! Clubs are her preferred environment, but honestly there's something so enjoyable about crashing an event, whether it's a big wedding or just some kid's birthday party. Sometimes she's in the mood to get totally wasted and other times she just wants to eat really good food. 

She's only been in Hell for a decade, so she isn't too disappointed that she isn't more famous or powerful... Besides, she's not much of a strategic thinker, so she has no idea how to move up in the afterworld anyway. Eh, it'll probably happen at some point. She has all eternity to figure something out, right?


Alestra was born to a well off family - not too rich, not too poor - who loved her, but didn't really give her that much attention. Not that she really noticed; she grew up with it, after all, and didn't feel neglected or anything. She was lucky (or unlucky, depending on who you ask) to go to private school, where she was pretty enough to be allowed to hang out with the popular girls. 

Life Of Sin

At first, her only real sin was being prideful. It didn't take long for her to understand that she was considered a source of amusement for the young ladies - kind of like a cute puppy that would follow them around and perform tricks when asked. Alestra wasn't hurt by it - it wasn't like she actually liked those girls to begin with - but she wasn't about to lose her popularity in case they got bored of her. She liked it when people showered her in compliments, when they stared at her as she walked by, and she didn't want to give that up. Alestra had to get everyone to like her, and everyone knows the best way to get teenagers to worship you is to party and to party hard.  

After awhile, it stopped being about the center of attention, and just enjoying the thrill of the party. Just drinking or taking the occasional blunt wasn't enough to get her excited. She had to have EVERYTHING! Dancing, drinking, the casual hookups in random, public places - just being able to forget about the dull, lifeless real world. Every time a new club opened, up, she was like a moth to the flame - Alestra HAD to sneak in. She couldn't care less that her parents were worried about her, that she was breaking their hearts, or that they were on the verge of kicking her to the curb if she didn't straighten up. 

Ironically, she died on her twenty first birthday, when she was finally able to go to clubs legally. Having way too much booze made her wobbly, and she slipped and busted her head on the edge of a table. 

Life in hell

Of course, Alestra was pissed when she realized she had been sent to Hell. Sure, she didn't give a fuck how she treated others, but it wasn't like she had killed anyone. Why was she being punished for having fun? 

Well, no one was listening to her complain, and since she wasn't being physically tortured... So she might as well find a way to make her situation better! Alestra quickly discovered that she could hypnotize weak minded demons and was able to find a cheap place to stay. Her powers were interesting enough for a club owner to hire her, so long as she made the customers think they were having the best time of their afterlives. 



Alestra can hypnotize her victims for a short period of time, but only if some part of them really wants it; most of the time she has to use her power to make club goers happy. 

Demon Transformation 

Like all demons, Alestra has a full demon form that pops out whenever she's pissed off! Extra eyes, extra limbs, maybe even a pair of wings. It's still being worked out. 

Prehensile Hair

She can move her hair in anyway she wants, including picking up objects! Alestra can also send her hair from away from her body, if she ever felt like it. But why would she?

Dance Skills 

Sure, it's not really a magical power, but Alestra is rather proud of her dance moves. She's annoyed that the only people who get to see it are lowly club hoppers, but whatever. 


[ Co-Worker ]

86731?1555970490 Lilaya

Lilaya is a waitress at the club where Alestra works, and they get along okay. She's someone to talk to during breaks, at least, but she's not much of a partier.

[ Friend ]



Charlotte is Alestra's favorite barista! After going to her every morning, a friendship was bound to form. Alestra wouldn't like, go out of her way to be nice to her, but she won't be a bitch either. Isn't that the best sort of friendship you can have in hell?

[ Roommate ]



It's super embarrassing to have an imp as a roommate, but Alestra guesses that it's better than some demon with any real power to do anything. They try to avoid each other as much as possible, otherwise they're pretty passive aggressive. 

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