Olivia Daydream



5 years, 9 days ago





Olivia has a very very sweet and positive personality. Even though she doesn't have parents and siblings, she has lots of best friends to help her gain more confidence and positivity. All her friends are a different humanoid from her. Her friends are like sisters towards her! She is never betraying ANYBODY and is not willing to let go. She is like a little sister everybody would like to play with. She is a 15 year old and yet to be childish. She LOVES wearing her big, poofy jacket below her shoulder and her big poofy dress! She is a fashion girl based on pink, but she has other colours too.

History Of Olivia

Olivia was born in the year 1344. She has been looking for her parents since the age of 6. She looked around and she found a massive jungle made out of pink! She then searched the jungle until she found... A Pink Portal. She looked in and it seems safe so she quickly went in. She just came out of nowhere and became a bunny. She was soo afraid she cried every day, every minute, every second. She then told herself, she would never find her parents ever again and the animals here treats her pretty well. So she stopped crying and started living there. By the time she grew older, she learnt new powers. She could transform from a average talking bunny to a humanoid bunny girl. When she changes, her outfit is still the same. But who knows? When her powers are stronger, her outfits will be different? When she was there she noticed, her age was 15!! 6 to 15! After a few years, she then realised she is never growing up. She was still 15. But of course, her powers would be growing up. But not her.


name -- relationship
name -- relationship
name -- relationship
WORTH : 1000+ DA points
STATUS : nft/s
html by fluffycodes