

NAME: Briar
AGE: Eleven (11)
GENDER: Demigirl (She/They)
DOB January 11 (♑︎)
HEIGHT: 4'06 // 138 cm (Shorter end for her age)
WEIGHT: 72 lbs // 32.66 kg
THEME: Five Foot Three - Flannel Graph
VOICE: Pretty average 11 year old girl voice, medium in pitch but with a slight smokiness in tone. She talks at a laid back speed and tends to pause between statements as she thinks. Screams like a feral dog.


In the mind of Briar there are only two categories of things: those worth fighting for, those that aren't. As such, she tends to exhibit contradictory behavior. On one hand, she doesn't often kick up a fuss about things on the daily - it doesn't matter much to her where the group goes out to eat or what we name that weird rock. It's fine, it's whatever, she's down to go with the flow and just have a fun time. And have a fun time she often does! A friendly, casual person, she's generally fairly quick to crack a joke with a stranger or introduce herself. People are good, she thinks. And she wants to be good to them.

It's too bad they can't often be good to themselves, to each other. This is where her faults mostly lie - in her assurance that she knows best and that it's her job to enforce what best entails. She often views herself as a sort of protector of others, coming to the aid of those picked upon even when they haven't asked for it. She isn't upset when they don't want it, but she can't stop. To her, it's her moral duty to protect people she views as weak. Due to this, there are times where she takes on a condescending view of other people, thinking that she is stronger than them and that she has to be better so that she can keep them safe. This can develop into a strained relationship unless boundaries are clearly set.

On the other hand, her protectiveness can be a good thing. Briar will go to the ends of the earth to keep people safe and that includes almost everyone unless they directly oppose her ideology. Her own safety is little cost if it means making the world a better place. Reckless, she'll often get into fights she can't win or into dangerous situations because she thinks the pay-off will be worth it.

Because maybe if she does something worthy... she will be too.

LIKES: Skateboarding / Graffiti / Breakdancing / Strawberries / Competition / Horror & Gore / Rhythm Games
DISLIKES: Public Speaking / Constant Loud Noise (Occasional Loud or Constant Quiet is fine) / Cleaning / Cowards

It's a cliche, but it's true, you know: a shadow can't exist without light. The very nature of their being is in the contrast with one another.
And such were the siblings of this household.

Briar was born the first of two children to a wealthy household. This was both the first and last time that she would ever be first in the comparison of the two. It wasn't for lack of trying, really. Some people are just blessed with a natural grace that comes much harder to others. Briar would fall in the latter category.
Despite the piano lessons, the ballroom, the etiquette and the tennis and the hours and hours of practicing using the right forks and knives, she just couldn't remember it all. It didn't make sense to her. What were shoes for if not to get dirty? That's why soap exists in the first place! Still, she tried to adhere to her parents' expectations the best she could. (What kind of child doesn't crave their parents' approval?)

And for a while, that was something close to enough.
Then her sibling was born.

What came so difficult to her came so easily to her younger brother and she was often scorned nonetheless. Her family didn't mean to hurt her, but from their point of view they were giving both children the exact same opportunity and they had come from the exact same genes. They couldn't comprehend that the same input wouldn't create the same output, that - when contrasted - light shines so much brighter, shadows seep so much darker.

And as she failed again and again to meet their expectations, she started acting out in frustration. From picking fights with those she considered bullies to finding a beauty in street art and chatting with local graffiti artists and delinquents, she was drawn to anything that proudfully rebelled against.

Unable to handle her any longer, unsure of what to do with this child that went against their expectations and caused judgment from their socialite circle, her parents turned to the Mori School for Troubled Youth. Out of sight, out of mind. And maybe she would come back better!

- Very physically active! Likes to feel strong, likes to be strong
- Has an issue with authority figures though she's usually chill unless provoked
- Strong sense of morals even if they are not exactly "right"
- Sibling's name is Cassius
- Playlist | Pinterest

- I'm in EST / GMT-4 Timezone and work Mon-Fri but I'm around in the evenings/sneak off to chat while working haha!
- Discord please! Feel free to hit me up :3c I sometimes forget to reply so feel free to poke me! It's not you, I'm just dumb