


Basic Info


Rowan McNamara




Male (DMAB) -- he/him or they/them


19 years old

Date of Birth

May 01


Pansexual (Fem!Rowan: Homosexual)

Significant Other

Dating Vixen, owned by vigilant


Superhero; works small part-time jobs as 'day job'




The following information relates to Rowan McNamara, also known as Paladin, as he is in his most 'original' or canon version. Appearance-wise, Rowan is a somewhat short, lean, well-muscled Mexican gray wolf with long, soft fur that is varying shades of brown and tan. He stands at 5'3 (160cm) and weighs in around 135 lbs (60kg). He has tall, rounded ears and an otherwise very angular appearance. His front canines are long and protrude from his lips. His eyes are a deep yellow-green. His sense of fashion could be considered questionable; his casual clothes tend to be very muted colors, tending towards browns and grays, and usually values comfort over style. However, his main "superhero outfit" is much more gaudy, with a deep red cloak and bright blue emblem, as well as an almost Western-themed aesthetic. He has an earthy scent, reminiscent of cedarwood.




While Rowan still ages normally, and can become sick (although usually not severely so), he retains various regenerative powers that can keep him alive as long as he is not wounded with an immediately fatal wound (i.e. a stab to the heart). Wounds take various amounts of time to heal depending on their severity, from a bleeding scratch healing within a few minutes to a larger wound (i.e, a deep, long gash) could take weeks, and nearly fatal wounds or amputations could take months to heal entirely. His powers are miraculous and can even restore limbs with no loss of function or aesthetics once the wound has healed. He still feels pain as normally, though he is more used to hiding his reactions to pain.
     Healing these wounds take a great deal of energy and while in the process of regenerating Rowan typically has a heavy increase in appetite and need for sleep.

Enhanced Strength
Rowan has enhanced strength that requires little 'upkeep' to retain; however, it is nothing out of the realm of reality.

The most peculiar of Rowan's abilities is his ability to transform in a werewolf-esque fashion into a larger, more powerful version of himself. This transformation is largely involuntary, although Rowan can (theoretically; he has not yet done so) learn to control it to a certain point. The change is triggered often by intense negative emotion; fear, anger, frustration, etc., and the form can manifest differently based on how the transformation was triggered. His personality also may manifest differently, and he becomes far more emotion- and instinct-driven, though retains memories and intelligence (though he may forgo using the latter entirely). He can understand language in this form, but cannot speak; he can, however, make vocalizations typical for a wolf.
     It always has the same main physical appearance; a large wolf (either quadruped or bipedal, depending on context) with darker, long and wiry fur. His top canines protrude like saber teeth from his mouth and he has a hunched over, bulky build. His eyes are more blue-green than yellow-green. The transformation also typically brings with it large, crystalline protrusions from the beast's hide. These crystal structures glow faintly and appear differently under different circumstances, but always form in one way or another.
     Rowan's transformation typically ceases and reverts within 30 minutes to an hour of transforming, and after reverting he is usually very exhausted, if not unconscious already.
     See below for additional transformation information.

Aggressor Type
STR █████     DEF █████     AGR █████     INT ████
Trigger: Anger, frustration, revenge
Appearance: The aggressor or aggressive type manifests typically with large, spiked crystals that line his shoulders, thighs, and skull, for both offensive and defensive use. He has long claws that are enhanced with crystals, as well as a second set that grow over the top of his paws. His horns typically appear large and forward-facing.
Personality: The aggressive type is certainly, well, aggressive. This type relies mostly on instinct over intelligence and can go into a "red haze" when in combat, which can be dangerous for his allies as he does not easily discriminate them from enemies. 

Defender Type
STR █████     DEF █████     AGR █████     INT ████
Trigger: Intense fear, near-death experience, protectiveness
Appearance: The defender or defensive type manifests with large crystal plating armoring his chest, spine, shoulders, and thighs, as well as a helmet-like plating on his skull. His horns typically appear with the helmet-like protrusion, extending off of it, typically downwards and hooked forward. The crystals formed with the defending manifestation tend to be much tougher than those in the other involuntary types.
Personality: This type tends to be much less aggressive than the other involuntary types and also tends to think through short strategies and plans before acting, but nonetheless he is still powerful in this form and he is well aware of that fact. This form is typically triggered to either stop or escape from danger, or to protect another from danger, or both. As such, he can be more resilient and tends to stand his ground much more than launching an attack.

Induced Type
STR █████     DEF █████     AGR █████     INT █████
Trigger: Chemical or hormonal induction
Appearance: The induced type is unpredictable with its appearance, but it is usually notable for having a very small amount of crystal formations. They usually appear as small horns, claws, or plating on the shoulders and thighs.
Personality: The induced type is unpredictable not only in appearance but in personality as well, due to the variable way it is triggered. However, it is usually characterized as being aggressive, though still intelligent.

Voluntary Type
STR █████     DEF █████     AGR █████     INT █████
Trigger: Trained; at will transformation
Appearance: The voluntary type has a very static appearance, appearing the same every time it is manifested. He forms many small, almost scale-like protrusions from his skin on his limbs, down his spine, and on the sides of his face. He has four horns, two much larger than the others, and also forms long, spiked crystals along his tail.
Personality: The voluntary type is unique in that it is explicitly voluntary. He retains complete memory, intelligence, and personality as his normal form; the only change is the change in his appearance.

Though not a superpower or supernatural in any way, Rowan uses weapons. He shies away from typical weapons (i.e., firearms), though can use them when necessary, but his primary weapon is a large greatsword. This greatsword can be used either two-handed or one-handed, with a shield. It is unusually heavy; enough that it is difficult for his enemies to use properly should his weapon be stolen or he be disarmed, but it is light enough for him to use without an issue.



Alternate Universes/AUs

**This section is in the process of being revamped**

Evil!AU: In this AU, Rowan managed to escape the facility before his memory was wiped and he remembers the experimentation that was done on him. His main goal is to kill everyone who was affiliated with the facility, including the more innocent types. He is ruthless and will stop at nothing and for no one to reach his goal, even Vixen. He still goes by the name Paladin, but has a more serious attitude about him than canon!Rowan, dressing in a more reasonable outfit (similar to canon!Rowan's, though all black and with a longer cape). This version of Rowan is left-handed.

Warriors!AUIn this AU, Rowan takes the form of an athletic tan-and-brown warrior named Rowanfang. He is a very by-the-book warrior, steadfast and strong.

Feral!AU: A more realistic AU where Rowan is a regular Mexican gray wolf. A dispersal wolf of about one and half years old, Rowan finds Vixen, a young purebred shiba inu, on an old, largely abandoned dirt road, having been set off by his previous owners. Rowan begrudgingly helps Vixen out, largely taking care of him as Vixen has no way to do so himself.

Other Stuff

Fursuit head, tail, paws, and sleeves made by Crinsy Productions