


5 years, 12 days ago

Basic Info


Arista Ravengrove


Ari, Aristocrat, Aristotle, Barista, Wrist, Weird two-eyed horse




January 12th


Gender-neutral [they/them]


Paint horse/grey goshawk quirilli hippogriff




125 lbs.

Relationship Status



Arista doesn’t have a specific faith, although they loosely follow the three deities of Migwesa.


The Rune of Migwesa (mig-way-sa)

Theme Song

Wicked Wonderland - Martin Tungevaag

Favourite Food


Favourite Colour


Lucky Number


Zodiac Sign



PoniWyngs' Main Sona

~ General ~

Appearance ⇴


The scar in Arista’s ear is entirely their fault. They originally got one piercing, but this got infected and created a scar in Arista’s ear. However, Arista, being the reckless idiot they are, decided to try again, in the same ear, with two piercings this time. Luckily, these piercings did not get infected, and Arista continued getting various piercings throughout their life until they managed to get their current total of seven.

Arista also has a variety of scars on their arms from getting into fights, falling off of trees, and incidents of the like.

Familiar ⇴ Kyros


~ Personality/Abilities ~

Abilities ⇴ Arista’s main power is their affinity towards the element of air. They can conjure breezes out of thin air, travel at high speeds, and do just about anything air-related. However, more advanced air magick takes a lot of energy from Arista; they have had to sleep for several days in a row before in order to recover from a particularly powerful spell.

Arista is also able to speak to birds, especially corvids, due to their familiar being a rook.

Introvert or Extrovert ⇴ Introverted extrovert, an extrovert who needs their personal space. This is also due to Arista being an empath, and often being overwhelmed by others’ emotions.

Alignment ⇴ Arista is the living, breathing embodiment of a chaotic neutral. They do whatever the heck they want and disregard other people entirely unless they can help someone, in which case they will often go to great lengths to do so.

Personality ⇴ Arista is your average ball of chaotic energy who’s just a bit too sappy about everything.

Positive Traits

➻ Empathetic

➻ Loyal

➻ Charismatic

➻ Leader

➻ Confident

Neutral Traits

➻ Emotional

➻ Energetic

➻ Enthusiastic

➻ Reckless

➻ Selfless

Negative Traits

➻ Stubborn

➻ Impulsive

➻ Mawkish

➻ Forgetful

➻ Scatterbrained

Likes ⇴ Water (Arista is a bit of a hydromaniac), music, spending time with Ky, beautiful spring weather perfect for running in, forests, birds, anything and everything rustic, exploring, looking out the window on rainy days with that perfect sense of tranquility, falling asleep with the pitter-patter of raindrops on the roof, strong winds, helping others, art, writing, those perfect moments right before sunrise, spending time with their amazing and beloved friends, learning about new things, good dreams, meeting new people, gaming, singing, hugs.

Dislikes ⇴ Guilt-trippers and attention seekers (Arista is practically a walking guilt-tripping and attention-seeking detector), people who slowly but surely get on their nerves, people who don’t respect others, overcast and gloomy weather, the summertime heat, the infuriating feeling when Ky is always right, anything that is slightly off-center.

Wishes & Dreams ⇴

➻ Arista wishes to help everyone in any way they can, no matter how small or insignificant. They hope to be remembered as a good person.

➻ Arista dreams of a world where they can be open about their magick and help people freely by utilizing it, instead of being afraid of what people may do about it.

Secrets ⇴ Arista tends to keep their magick and familiar, simply out of fear for what people may do to them if they find out.

Phobias ⇴

➻ Boredom (thaasophobia)

➻ Death (thanatophobia)

➻ Growing old (gerascophobia)

➻ Insects (entomophobia)

➻ Flutes (aulophobia)


~ History ~



Arista began their life as a native living in a reservoir full of various equine creatures such as hippogriffs, griffins, and just regular horses. Although they were poor and had to fend for themselves along with their mother and father, Endravale and Quimico, they had a happy childhood, as they always had something to do.

And Arista loved doing things.

Their equine tribe, Allithéa, greatly benefitted from Arista’s presence, as the tribe was not great in size. Before long, everyone knew Arista by name and always greeted them whilst they walked by. As a young child, Arista always desired to help others and did everything they could to fulfill this wish. Whether it was gathering food, building houses, crafting clothing, or practically anything else, Arista was always the first to volunteer. In general, Arista’s young life was uneventful but brought Arista much joy and many good memories.


However, Arista’s joyous childhood soon came to an end. The day that they turned 14 years of age, Arista was called into the tribe’s shaman, and the speech they were given that day changed their life forever. The aforementioned lecture went a little like this:

Young one, you are destined for greatness, as your descendants all were. These descendants were the Guardians of Migwesa Forest, who maintained the magick of this ancient, sacred forest, alongside their loved familiars. You, Arista Ravengrove of the Allithéan tribe, are the first in many generations to be worthy of this magick. It is up to you to restore peace in the ancient forest of Migwesa, which will undoubtedly result in great reward. However, if you do not follow this destiny, the overwhelming and disturbed magick from the fallen forest shall spill into our own world, and cause a great catastrophe. Will you accept?

After discussing the matter for a little while, Arista agreed to go on this journey, to which the shaman responded with gifting Ari the air Ahmni, a magickal stone that belonged in the ruins of Migwesa. The shaman explained that this stone was meant to go on a totem deep into the wild, which would progress Arista’s journey, and that the magick of the Ahmni would pull them to the totem, so they would find it eventually.

It didn’t take long for Arista to discover their magick; after some concentration, they could summon breezes out of thin air, change the weather, and more, although this power was not very developed by this time. Whether this was their natural magick or the magick of the air Ahmni, they did not know, but they took the time to master it while they could.

After several months of Arista traveling in the wild and fending for themselves with the skills they had learned in their village, they finally discovered a small, magickal grove, of which in the center stood a large, intricately carved pole. Arista instantly felt drawn to this structure, and by pure instinct, they placed their Ahmni on top of the pole.

Then, they felt a tug on their soul.

Everything began to spin, and it didn’t stop spinning until Arista was unconscious on the ground in an unknown forest within an unknown realm.

When Arista finally awoke, they had no idea where they were, aside from a strange feeling deep in their heart telling them they were no longer in their own world. What was worse was that the stone that had transported them into the realm of Migwesa was now firmly attached to a totem pole beside them, which meant no return for Arista.

After they had finished panicking about their situation, Arista decided to explore the forest. They went to the very edges of the realm, which was not nearly as big as the realm they came from, and discovered a plain stretching out forever, along with an impenetrable, yet invisible wall that they could not manage to pass through before this plain began. However, after some time, they found a shrine dedicated to a falcon deity unknown to them, to which they began to pray in hopes of discovering something. Anything. A shimmering and translucent figure of a peregrine falcon appeared in front of them on two legs. This figure gave Arista a simple task; they were to find the remaining Ahmni, which had been scattered over the forest, and place them atop their proper totem poles. Without a second thought, Arista accepted this offer and began their first quest.

Arista scoured the ancient forest of Migwesa for the magickal stones, and after several days, they had uncovered the three missing Ahmni; earth, fire, and water. Once Arista placed the Ahmni into their according totem poles, the four stones began to glow as brightly as beacons, and the familiar falcon deity appeared before them. After thanking Arista for their service, the falcon gifted Arista strong elemental magick, which greatly amplified their affinity for air.

Arista, of course, was thrilled by their new power and explored their magick thoroughly before continuing their journey. They could now summon very strong winds and thunderstorms, among many other powerful abilities. However, the need to continue their journey soon overwhelmed them and Arista went on their way to find another shrine.

Before long, they came across a new shrine, not too different from the original one, that was dedicated to a foxlike deity unknown to them. At this point, Arista knew what to do, so they knelt down and prayed, which summoned an anthropomorphic fox before them that shimmered like it was made of stars. This fox had a different request for Arista; they were to free the five spirits that had become trapped in caves around the forest. Again, Arista instantly accepted and went on their way.

This task was considerably more difficult than the previous, as it required Arista to traverse through dark caves deep underground, but it was worth every moment. Once Arista brought all five spirits back to the surface of Migwesa forest, freeing them from their ominous prison, the fox deity gave them their greatest gift; a small black bird-- a rook-- took form in front of Arista.

Soon after this bird’s manifestation, Arista recognized they could speak to this magickal bird. They highly appreciated this company, as they hadn’t spoken to anyone aside from the deities for what felt like years, and before long, their familiar had gained a name; Kyros.

Kyros then informed Arista that they had one final deity to please before they could complete the journey, and led them to their shrine. This time, when Arista prayed, a stunning bipedal horse appeared before them, and looked down at Arista with approval; this was Arista’s original descendant which had been the first to protect the forest of Migwesa, many centuries ago. This horse gave Arista the final task of uncovering the runes of Migwesa forest. These runes had been overgrown by plants, eroded, or destroyed by other natural means, which had caused them to lose their magick, and it was up to Arista to fix the ancient runes. Arista gladly accepted, and continued on to their last quest, along with Ky.

Although Arista discovered nearly every rune by themselves, it was up to Ky to restore the runes to their former glory; Ky possessed a small amount of healing magick, which not only affected living beings but magick and magickal objects as well. Thanks to Ky, Arista was able to restore the runes, and once they completed this duty, all three of the deities that they had met during their journey appeared before them. The falcon, the fox, and the horse notified Arista that they had completed their quest, and were now free to return home using the runes for teleportation. However, Arista was always welcome back into the realm of Migwesa, lest they find a teleportation rune in the wild and care to visit, which was the gift of the horse deity. The last gift Arista received was given to them by all three deities; a tattoo of the forest’s official rune on their left wrist, the Rune of Migwesa. This became Arista’s symbol for the rest of their life, as a reminder of their great quest. With this, Arista became the official protector of Migwesa.

Once Arista returned to their normal realm, along with Ky and the rest of the gifts they had been given by the Guardians, they made their way back to their native tribe. Once they returned, everyone welcomed them back with open arms and a fair amount of shock; after all, Arista had been presumed dead. They had been gone for several years, as time passed differently in the realm of Migwesa than it did on the realm of Earth. Arista was soon directed to the shaman of the tribe and had a final conversation with him. The shaman pointed out that Arista had gained a familiar-- Kyros-- like the original Guardians. Due to this and the rest of the magick they now possessed, he offered Arista a position as the next shaman, as he felt they rightfully deserved the position. However, Arista politely declined, as they desired a future outside of the camp, and wanted to go out into civilization. Arista thanked the shaman for all he had done for them, and left the following night, therefore transitioning into their adulthood.


Arista’s adulthood began with them and Ky wandering around the streets of the city outside of their home forest, lost and afraid. However, before long, they managed to make a job out of selling tapestries, jewelry, and dreamcatchers, along with other traditional homemade objects. In this new life, they never stayed in one place for long and traveled with every new opportunity they were given.

Arista not only sold their products for good money but gave away some to the homeless, in hopes of helping them, along with any food they could spare. Eventually, beggars all over the world spoke of Arista’s kindness.

Despite their good reputation, nobody knew about Arista’s magick aside from their tribe, which they would visit just as commonly as they would visit the forest of Migwesa.

During Arista’s numerous visits to the other realm, they had the honour of becoming acquainted with the druids of Migwesa. They had not met the druids upon their initial visit to the forest, as these creatures shied away from Arista during this time since they tended to be very wary of new visitors. One of the druids Arista met was a young hybrid between a pangolin and a crow by the name of Zokan, whom they have formed a great friendship with over time.

And that is where Arista’s story leaves off, for now… As history is always being written.

Descendants ⇴ Not much is known about Arista’s descendants by anyone other than Arista, aside from the fact that they were the guardians of Migwesa before it fell into ruin. However, Arista has managed to meet their original descendant in their journeys-- the horse deity-- and has even gained the ability to teleport back to the realm of Migwesa utilizing a rune from them. Arista’s other descendants were responsible for protecting the forest of Migwesa, and succeeded at this job for a long time. However, eventually, tragedy struck, and the magick of Migwesa became too overwhelming for the Earth to handle. With the last of their magick, the Guardians separated Migwesa forest into a separate realm and remained trapped in this realm for the rest of their lives.

Relationships ⇴

Kyros - Arista’s familiar

➻ Edravail - Arista’s mother

➻ Qirin - Arista’s father

➻ Corvok - The shaman that gifted Arista the air Ahmni and sent them on their adventure

Zokan - The Migwesan druid they have become friends with

➻ The Guardians - The three deities that reside in Migwesa Forest. These deities take the form of a peregrine falcon, a red fox, and a horse; the horse is Arista’s original descendant.

Family History ⇴

➻ Arista born on January 12th

➻ Kyros born on ???

➻ Edravail born on May 5th

➻ Qirin born on June 28th