


4 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Zokan ti Ninarfen


Zokko, Zok


17, but as time passes differently in the Realm of Migwesa, if he were to have lived in the regular world for his entire life he would be closer to 50






Male [he/him]


Pangolin/crow druid




75 lbs.

Relationship Status


Theme Song

Lasse Lindh - Hush

Favourite Food

Cherry pie

Favourite Colours

Green, brown

Lucky Number


Zodiac Sign



Note: Character design by CatastrophicClouds

~ General ~

Appearance ⇴



~ Personality/Abilities ~

Abilities ⇴ As Zokan is a druid of the Migwesan forest, he is able to talk to plants. This ability can do several different things; however, the ability that is most utilized by Zokan is his ability to dialogue with plants, as he prefers this to actual socialization. However, he is also able to quickly grow plants, even to the point of making them appear out of nothingness, as well as several other plant-centered abilities. However, these abilities are much more taxing on his energy than simply speaking to plants.

Introvert or Extrovert ⇴ Zokan is a total introvert. He’s very shy and avoids social interaction when possible, instead talking to plants.

Alignment ⇴ Zokan is neutral good; he doesn’t lean towards chaotic or lawful, but always tries to do good regardless.

Personality ⇴ Zokan tends to be very tranquil, calm, and gentle, especially with the plants he tends to. However, if something threatens him or something he cares about, he is rather protective and will do his best to be intimidating, although this typically doesn’t work out very well for him.

Since Zokan talks to plants more than he talks to people, he can be a bit unfiltered at times and doesn’t always know what is appropriate to say.

Zokan is also a bit scatterbrained and aloof, and has a hard time focusing on the real life instead of his frequent daydreams.

Finally, on the inside, Zokan is a total hopeless romantic, but is too nervous to bring this trait out.

Positive Traits

➻ Amiable

➻ Compassionate

➻ Devoted

➻ Earnest

➻ Gentle

➻ Humble

➻ Patient

➻ Romantic

Neutral Traits

➻ Absentminded

➻ Mellow

➻ Obedient

➻ Quiet

➻ Sensitive

➻ Soft

Negative Traits

➻ Aloof

➻ Antisocial

➻ Childish

➻ Distractible

➻ Insensitive

➻ Nervous

➻ Shy

➻ Scatterbrained

Likes ⇴ Plants, baking (specifically pies), rain, peaceful places in nature untouched by others, birds chirping, singing

Dislikes ⇴ Social interaction, meeting new people, fire, fighting

Wishes & Dreams ⇴ Zokan isn’t a particularly ambitious creature. He just wants to live his life in peace.

Secrets ⇴ Zokan has many secret hiding places within Migwesa, which he has either naturally found or formed with his own claws, where he escapes to speak to plants for the majority of his days.

Phobias ⇴

➻ Pyrophobia (fire)

➻ Philophobia (love/intimacy)

➻ Odontophobia (teeth)


~ History ~

Backstory ⇴

Zokan’s story begins when he was born to two loving druid parents, Nalad and Taield. They both taught Zokan the magic of the druids at a young age, although Zokan often used this magic to run off into a quiet place and speak with the plants there instead of actually utilising it for anything useful. However, Zokan always tried his best to maintain the forest of Migwesa with his magic.

However, despite the druids’ many prophecies that told of a savior coming and restoring Migwesa to its former glory, no help came. The druids began to lose hope and started to believe that the magic of Migwesa would finally spill out into the rest of the world, causing the catastrophe that was only spoken of in the darkest of omens.

However, just in the nick of time, their savior arrived.

At first, the druids were wary of the hippogriff that had mysteriously appeared in the realm of Migwesa; thoughts of ‘are they really the savior?’ and ‘Could this small creature possibly the one to save us from the doom of Migwesa?’ Were doubts that ran through the minds of all the druids upon Arista’s arrival. Due to this skepticism, the druids didn’t interact with Arista at all during their first visit and stayed hidden deep in the forest.

However, after Arista had restored the forest of Migwesa and continued to pay occasional visits to the realm, the druids began to grow more curious, eventually revealing themselves to their savior. Zokan, however, was uninterested in meeting Arista and instead passed up every opportunity that he could have used to speak to the hippogriff with speaking to his plant friends instead.

Yet one day, once Zokan went to visit one of his favourite hiding places, he saw that somebody had gotten there before him; Arista.

After talking for some time, Zokan discovered that both he and Arista adored finding quiet hiding spots and enjoying the peacefulness that came from avoiding others. The two agreed to meet in the same hiding spot the next day. Before long, the two had become great friends, and Arista would always look forwards to meeting Zokan during their visits to Migwesa.

Today, Zokan remains a timid druid that spends most of his time away from others, although he greatly values his wonderful friendship with Arista.

Relationships ⇴

➻ Nalad ti Ninar - Zokan’s mother, a pangolin

➻ Taield tai Fenri - Zokan’s father, a crow

➻ Arista - The guardian of Migwesa, whom Zokan has befriended