Rosey Mao



8 years, 5 days ago


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Name: Rosey Mao
Nickname/Codename: Rose
Rank: (Fighter) Level 14
Path: Neutral 
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Height: 5'3
Species: Human 
    Her personality is rather quiet interested. She most of her mind if want she will prefer, to be honest with the other or rather sometimes not tell them but instead giving them a hint about it to let them know to figure itself. But she rather a cruel and tend to get mad but can control her anger. She isn't a nice person to talk to. Often get Pissed off if someone did something stupid. She doesn't know how to feel but rather hard to explain deep inside of her. She doesn't care much of it but she does respect other if you have reason to earn her respect. Fire and destroyed it does feel her little better time to time but she kinda wants to do it anyway. She has good side of humor, rather making joke or prank for fun but rather have a mature way of it.Pretty much carefree what she want to go to the place. Blood and gore really don't bother her at all but it usually normal to her anyway but does have mess up mind in her head, though.  She wound't say that she is psycho but she will say "That just how people are and killing is a normal thing."
Bomb Expert: She have good abilities to use her bomb in many way by kicking, throwing and even False suicide move that look she die in the explosion but she really not dead but alive. Even make her own creation of bomb whatever she can made of it.
Creative Weapon: Very creative with death, Even there much sharp or hard object or anything. she can create or use is as the weapon and can beat the hell of them. Sometimes her bomb explodes, it rather breath was taken if you think about how does the exploding will look like in a creative way of art.
Stamina: Her Stamina is very strong and she will never give up, but her stamina is quite interested in having good parkour skill, but even though she look dead but she not really dead at all she pretend to be dead but her Stamina have the strength to fight back even if she bleed or injured badly. Mostly scary way if you ever see her in that way.
Darkness: Have a strong connection with the shadow, often will help sometimes but her ability is quite powerful sometimes she doesn't even used it rarely but does help to protect herself and run very fast.

<b>High agility:</b> Rosey Relies on her Speed so much that she can slash and throw bomb very quickly. Her speed so fast it becomes unpredictable to know where she coming from

Darkness Kick: Quiet a powerful kick

Shadow run: Run so fast that you can't even see her but you got surprised attack

Weapon(s)/Fighting Style:
    Have hidden bomb she can place and have it hidden inside of her clothes like a bomb,Gun, Knife and her Machete. but will look for anything to used as the weapon if she picks it up.  Her Fighting style is rather than planned out. She will place a bomb in the center area if her plan went well. She can relay on her Speed and Stamina. Quite Skillful with her Close-Mid-Long Range.

    A mysterious girl who was born. She wasn't the regular type of person, she was a lonely girl. she has hard time making a friend. Everyone is scared of her and thought of her as the cursed girl. She wasn't want to be that way but accept the fate she makes. often she will get bully and beat up. no one will protect her, won't even tell her parent about it. Her relationship with her parent is quite unusually, it not that she doesn't like them but rather avoid them most of the time.
She just a regular innocent little girl but she can't help but watch people dying in painful way. Strange child to begin with. often seeing people dying in front of her, she used  to it. often going somewhere dangerous place she like to explore it. 
Let just say that she have difficult dangerous past and  get train by that person to make her good fighter but she used to have double duel knife as her weapon back then.
    She lived with her grandmother, she mostly busy, usually she collect odd, dark stuff she find interested to her. often she makes a plan if the world goes apocalypse. She experts about survive and know escape plan.Study and reading a book of the time. not really socialize with other, But when she hear about the tatakai club, a new journal start, but why she join  the tatakai club in the first place?  Rosey rather not told you about it, but keep it in a secret.
[+] Reading Book
[+] Sushi
[+] Rock/ Dubstep /Hip Hop Music
[+] Kinda like anime stuff (but not often she will watch it)
[+] Minecraft (Yes she have minecraft account)
[+] Serial Killer (Don't asked why she like it)
[+] People reaction
[+] Fire and explosion
[+] Death (Grim reaper)
[-] Dumb people
[-] pervert
[-] won't listen to her
[-] Annoying people
[-] staring at her
[-] not taken seriously
She is Yaoi fangirl
She is a good driver
she will say "Die in the right way" "You can't escape from death"
She not smile that often (rather as bored  or not impress look) 
Good relationship with her 2 cousin (you could say they human or not)