
Dorian Vessel, 103yo, 6’4”, full blood vampire, bi

Grew up with parents that hated each other. Mother ended up walking out on Dorian and his father and disappearing from his life at the age of 9, father ended up going on a enraged bloody rampage, murdering over a dozen humans and ended up being killed on the spot by law enforcement when Dorian was just 15. Was unofficially adopted by some street thugs after that, that showed him life of crime, which became a way of life for him.

Dorian does high stacks robberies like banks and expensive jewelry stores. Where he makes just enough to lay low for a while until he needs to rob again for more money. Grew up working with others but became solo after being stabbed in the back too many times.

-hates the taste of blood from people with bad habits(drinking, drugs, smoking, etc)

-been with more men then women seeing as he gets tired of women quickly because they’re clingy. Plus his mother didn’t leave a good impression on him when she left his life for good.

-abilities: shape-shifts into a bat, super strength, telepathy, beguiling his victims for blood, levitation, memory wipe(unpredictable side effects so he limits how much he uses this), can turn someone into half vampire with venom from his bite.

-the fresher the blood the stronger his abilities