✧ William



7 years, 11 months ago


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Side Character Badge Pretty Mask Badge Anniversary Badge 2016 Badge
Pronouns Badge Questioning Badge



Satyr | ??? | he/him

Value $1
Designer Scei
Status NOT for sale
Art Fight 1615864


William is the owner and operator of a rather unusual stable. He cares for Equus Ballators, which are similar to horses but are so much more. The stable itself is partially naturalistic, is in the middle of a forest, and is somewhat overgrown. He is very proud of his little place, and the ballators who live there.

He is a lover of adventure, and takes his lovely EBs with him rather frequently. He cannot directly talk to them, but with the help of bond, experience, and just a touch of pan magic, he can communicate simple ideas back and forth. This is mostly limited to basic instructions and simple commands, and as such is primarily for riding purposes. He trains EBs who are willing to ride bareback, but those who cannot or are not willing, he is happy to use tack. On adventures, he is often looking for gold - he does not, however, prefer to take the particularly priceless artifacts. He is here for coins and to take contracts for certain adventures, and challenge himself and his steeds in varied terrains. He is very aware that taking those priceless objects is a recipie for disaster, and has had enough warnings baout curses to know only take hte less important stuff.

He likes to do some basic competition, though some of his EB's have talents he is not nessecarily an expert in. He would like to learn more, but finds himself sticking to things he can do in the woods - cross country, simple dressage, even hunting. He hopes to be able to enter in competitions some day.
Side note, he does have a human disguise which is part minor magic but mostly just a fun hat, long pants, and custom-made boots.
Definitely a fan of stabby horses

orig description, from scei: Character trade with Mimibitz @ CS

Design Notes

- I ask that for now, he only be drawn in Satyr form.
- Minimum clothing is the shorts, but feel free to add on! He also can walk around with no shorts, but he wears them for practical reasons, aka riding horses. I would prefer he has them on if at all possible.
- In addition to his deer OR goat legs, he has deer ears, a sloped, deer-like nose, and smallish goat horns.
- His fur is medium length but can be drawn short.
- slender with a slight muscle tone - although he isn't "muscular"
- Very expressive tail and ears
- Deer nose is optional, but preferred- I know it can be hard to draw!
- He is a horse rider if that helps you out at all. He also loves gold objects, especially coins.

Art Rules

- Meme art (please keep quality)
- Gift Art
- With other characters
- Any style
- Humanoid ONLY
- light gore
- Regal, intimidating, angry, soft... whatever you like. He's a satyr so he's not super serious, but that doesn't mean he can't be.

- NSFW, especially sexual.
- "exclusive" themes, like hetero pride, terf things, etc.
- Anything based in a culture that I am not part of and/or you are not part of. You may ask, but assume no.
- medium to Heavy gore (ask)
- In romantic situations (ask)
- With commercial characters that you or I do not own (ask)
- Unsure? Ask!

Html code by Coywolfy badges box code by AviCode and box edits by me