Count Jared (Gerard)



5 years, 15 days ago


Jared (Gerard)
Age Unknown
Height 6'5
Species Turned Vampire
Gender Male
Orientation Biromantic
Pronouns He/Him
Occupation Keeper of the Castle
Voice Claim TBA
Theme TBA
Design Notes

  • One of his fangs are broken and jagged, the other will snaggle outside of his mouth even while closed
  • Can be drawn with or without his hair up in a high ponytail
  • Thin twiggy beanpole of a man
  • Usually has his cane or some sort fo something to balance with. Lack of blood leaves him fatigued most of the time

At first glance he appears very fanciful and possibly snobby, but you'll quickly realize that appearances can lie. He is extremely gentlemanly and kind, helping hurt travelers or lost people from the thick woods his castle usually resides in. He will do anything for his guests until he knows they are healthy and safely on their way back home or wherever they were going in the first place.

A hopeless romantic at heart, he falls hard when meeting someone he is attracted to, despite being scorned very badly in the past and still today. He guards himself against new close and intimate relationships, but even then he can't help but be flustered around certain someones, no matter how hard he tries not to be.


  • Originally human once at an unknown time, he was turned while a new adult, by a man who he once considered his lover. The same man later broke his fangs, hence their current appearance and his lack of being able to use them.
  • A vampire with hemophobia.
  • He survives on a blood substitute to keep from becoming fully fatigued. He could drink blood straight up without his fangs, but the taste and thought makes him extremely sick due to his hemophobia.
  • His castle can move if he so wants it through the magic it had when he found it a long time ago.
  • He lacks many vampire-y powers, or what he does have is very weak compared to normal vampire power, due to his lack of health from not drinking blood or much that could make up for it for that matter.

  • Tincidunt
  • Malesuada
  • Quisque
  • Aliquam

  • Blood
  • Feeling trapped or restrained to any capacity
  • Pain
  • People touching or grabbing his neck