Tyne's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Klarx Global Rules
  • Do not replicate or take heavy inspiration from one of my designs for a new character design without crediting me properly. 
  • You are more than welcome to alter my designs in any way, shape, or form as long as you keep the original design/artwork as a part their TH profile for crediting and tracking purposes. 
  • Please do not sell my designs for more than their original worth unless additional artwork has been added.
  • My designs can be traded or resold for AC, USD, artwork, or character trades. If you originally purchased the design for AC, you are welcome to resell them for USD as long as you use the conversion rate 2.5kAC=$1USD, and vice-versa!
  • PLEASE DO NOT DELETE THE TH PROFILE FOR ANY OF MY DESIGNS OR GIVE THEM AWAY FOR FREE. If you no longer want the design and are not planning on reselling/trading them,  please transfer them back to me (Klarx) instead of deleting them or giving them away! I will happily take them back and find them a new home, or maybe even redesign and keep them! :)