Emrys Mabon Dda



4 years, 11 months ago


Is a faefolk from alfheim (they generally have horns, he only has one)

Was an ordinary citizen of low birth until he pledged his life to being a steward of the new high king/carbuncle Myrddin

Gwyddien found him as a young man

Granted the right to take a sip from Myrddin's cistern of sap (this is essentially royal jelly)

This grants longevity and power

The downside of this is that it is also melted and replaced his internal organs

Is now his own little wellspring of sap, not as powerful as the original but still very gooey

The upside to that downside is if harmed, he will slowly bleed thick clotting sap

The wellspring will also regenerate limbs and skin (so he could probably fully slither out of his skin if he needed to and regenerate it later) (so yeah you could literally make him jump out of his skin)

Most of his body is basically a big water balloon now

Occasionally just randomly oozes out sap too (it's sweet and probably dries sticky)

He can also harden areas of the sap to provide himself with armor or internal support as a faux skeleton

He gets significantly meltier when heated, and will ooze a lot more

Doesn't freeze at the same freezing point as water, slightly below, but this is very uncomfortable and likely to reduce his mobility and shred his skin layer

He has a secret heart that if destroyed he would truly die

Will defend the king to the death however the actual day to day caretaking of the King is extremely easy given he is an immortal sleeper that doesn't really do much

His sappy nature allows him to enter the bubble of Myrddin without being destroyed

He brushes Myrddin's hair and cares for their body while they sleep and grow

He follows Gwyddien's instructions

(Gwyddien is Myrddin's brother and has survived from the world Before

When Gwyddien was born into that world he was raided by Myrddin who had been born in the world prior to that one, and the cycle continues back indefinitely as far as they can tell)

Takes things slowly and carefully

Nasty little creecher

They've basically built a tree house hanging off the world tree next to Myrddin's bubble palace, and fill it with books and treasures they've collected in their time roaming around in service to him

If people give tribute to Myrddin there is a very good chance it actually ends up with Mabon

Everything is sticky

Mabon has recently been spreading the word that what Lord Myrddin _really_ enjoys is fine wine, and travel novels

(This is actually just what Mabon enjoys, obviously)

Does not regret entering into service to Myrddin (and technically Gwyddien) however he does wish he got out to the outer realms more often

Can hear Myrddin's voice on occasion, no matter the distance

Is creative and observant, but values tradition

Has a meticulous, steady approach unless startled or frightened

Extremely loyal to the brothers and will generally downplay his own achievements in favour of theirs

Social but can fall back on remembered data rather than living in the moment

Extremely good memory which is great for practical skills and greeting guests, but also means it's very easy to bear a grudge

Slow to anger, patient, however simmers for a thousand years

Easily fucks up when he manages to fall into doing something he's never done before

But there's something thrilling in that isn't there

His outer body can change when it regenerates, but his eyes stay the say deep yellow colour

Favours thick brown curly hair and tanned skin

He has the small lower tusks common to faefolk, short branched horns and a slim tail with soft quills/feathers at the base (these are also scattered on his shoulders)

Is constantly surprised by how small people are nowadays, or maybe they were always that small...