Kym Leuong



8 years, 1 day ago



Kym Leuong

  • Name Kym Leuong
  • Age 24
  • Height 5'11"
  • Occupation Bodyguard
  • Sexuality Asexual (not sex repulsed)
  • Personality

    A narcissistic demon with mild mysophobia and a fear of getting close to people.

    Kym is incredibly cold to anyone he meets. He displays extreme discomfort at physical contact with others; considering most people to be dirty. There are times where he will come into contact with others but he always feels the need to clean himself afterwards. The only people he does not behave this way towards are his siblings.

    When he is around his siblings he takes on the role of a caring older brother, especially in regards to his twin, Jong, who is blind. Jong is the only one of his siblings that he is biologically related to, but Kym is loving and over protective towards all of them.

    Kym has frequent night terrors that have a damaging impact on his state of mind and mental stability.

  • Appearance


  • Likes his siblings, a full night of sleep, sweet things, quiet
  • Dislikes dirt, nightmares, being alone, talking
  • Backstory



  • Jonghyun Younger Twin Brother

    Kym cares deeply for his younger brother to an often suffocating degree. Jonghyun is trying to convince Kym that he is perfectly capable of taking care of himself.

  • Daeshin Best Friend

    Kym trusts Daeshin more than anyone else, viewing him as a best friend and even a brother. Daeshin wishes that their close relationship would mean that Kym would be completely honest with him about his mental health.

  • Hana Almost like siblings

    Kym views Hana as his younger brother, caring for him in the equally suffocating manner that he takes care of Jonghyun. Kym dotes on Hana the most, and Hana wishes that Kym would stop viewing him as a helpless child.

  • Eunja Almost like siblings

    Kym sees Eunja as a sister, Eunja sees Kym as a bullheaded idiot. She helps Daeshin take care of everything whenever Kym is away. It infuriates her that Kym seems to continue to lie about how his mental health is doing--she can tell it's eating away at him, but he won't talk to her enough for her to be able to help.

  • Trivia
    • ● Kym loves cute things.
    • ● Though he's incredibly intelligent, he's socially stupid.
    • ● Kym doesn't have any friends outside of his siblings as most people hate Kym as soon as they meet him.
    • ● He has no interest in other people.
    • ● He's a cat person.
    • ● All of his relationships have failed spectacularly.

profile html by Hukiolukio