Wynter Rundström



4 years, 10 months ago


Wynter Rundström
age 127
gender Female
pronouns She/Her
orientation Pansexual
height 5'2
build Curvy
job Burlesque Dancer
song info


  • Good girl until Dark
  • Has a Norwegian accent
  • "
  • Has a hidden tattoo and piercings
  • note


Born in 1892 in Norway, Wynter was one of many bat demons to populate the country during the 1900s. Yet, she was the only albino one. This ended up making her infamous among demon hunters for her unusualness as well as her boldness. By the early of the 20th century, it was no longer safe for the Norwegian bat to stay, with many groups after her.

Knowing nothing was left for her in Norway, Wynter bought a one way ticket to America. Drawn by the glitz and glamour of Las Vegas, Wynter took up residence in the budding city. Safely hidden and merged with the demon and monster population of the city, the bat demon sought out work. Lots of troupes were hiring, but she had no idea what Americans wanted in a performance, how it differed from what they had in Norway. To find out, she attended a show, and this was how she was introduced to the budgeoning modern idea of burlesque.

She was in love. The over-the-top outfits, the dramatic, and sometimes funny acts appealed to her. After working menial jobs for a few years, she finally signed onto a new troupe as a burlesque dancer. With their training she gained notority, and was one of the biggest burlesque dancers of that time. Over the years, burlesque fell in popularity to the silver screen and other venues of entertainment, leading to the disbanding of the troupe.

As she was about to resign to menial jobs yet again, she heard of another supernatural troupe forming in Seattle, Washington. After weighing the pros and cons, Wynter made the move to the new city. It was... quite a culture shock, too be honest, and not to mention weather shock, too.

Before long, she had settled down, and was welcomed with open arms into the troupe. So they didn't have to hide, they actually made their gimmick about the supernatural- and their audience just ate it up. The troupe spent many years in and out of the spotlight for many years, faling just enough into obscurity so when they came back, no one was the wiser to the fact they weren't aging.

Now, in 2019, Wynter actually owns and manages the troupe and company, along with being a dancer as well. The act still keeps the supernatural aspect, but today they dance to metal, alternative, and rock music, featuring various punk and gothic themes.

header two

Nullam scelerisque sem neque, id luctus odio vehicula quis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum diam elit, tristique sit amet orci nec, hendrerit dictum neque. Phasellus faucibus eu ipsum a faucibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas quam urna, faucibus egestas ante et, scelerisque euismod odio. Mauris quis augue vitae lorem semper laoreet.

header three

Donec cursus tempor sagittis. Proin dolor augue, malesuada ac tortor placerat, dignissim posuere odio. Morbi orci ante, mollis vel massa at, tristique fringilla quam. Donec tincidunt metus ac dolor finibus sagittis. Morbi posuere sem a lacus luctus pulvinar. In ut arcu in massa scelerisque imperdiet sed sit amet odio. Proin mattis sagittis urna, id ullamcorper eros. Praesent tristique, augue quis feugiat volutpat, tortor ex condimentum nunc, at egestas sapien ipsum nec mauris. Vivamus pretium egestas pharetra.

Duis non scelerisque velit, non ultrices mauris. Donec elementum fermentum risus aliquet tristique. In a sem in ipsum tempus lacinia non et quam. Suspendisse et augue nec mauris aliquam fringilla id sed nulla. Mauris eu ante a metus porttitor feugiat ac sed ipsum. Donec lobortis elit id urna dictum lacinia. Duis nisl nibh, commodo id metus ut, feugiat eleifend nunc. Vestibulum malesuada est sed justo pharetra, sed sollicitudin odio maximus. Sed a nisi id lacus pharetra finibus. Cras ullamcorper leo at sagittis porta. Nulla dapibus, justo in suscipit molestie, libero mauris pharetra eros, et iaculis arcu ipsum sit amet felis. Pellentesque mattis congue urna et congue. Curabitur commodo leo a lectus fermentum interdum.

Luna// Bestfriend

Partners in crime. Mischief usually results from them hanging out. They met when Wynter applied for an ad at Luna's company.
