


5 years, 12 days ago




174 (appears 29)



5'8 (not including horns)

163 lb (tail and horns are heavy!)

may 28

magical specialty
replication - the ability to replicate any object such that the copy looks exactly like the original. this magic only works for objects smaller than the size of a coffee table. the larger the item, the more energy it takes to replicate.  

archeologist - aelya spends her time digging through old ruins in search of artifacts and documents. she donates what she finds to museums and universities, but not without making a copy for herself first (though whether she donates the originals or the copies, it is unclear). if the item fetches a good price on the black market, perhaps she'll make one more replica.
    translator - she's proficient in many languages - especially the dead ones. she is in the business of translating books since she's one of the very few people who can read some of those languages! this also ends up being very useful when looking at artifacts. 


+ laid-back | + outgoing | + laughs easily | + intrepid | + dextreous | + nimble | +independent | + level-headed | - bored easily | - evasive | - commitment issues | - reckless | - flippant | - indulgent

aelya always has a broad, easy smile on her face, and a gaze that always has a dreamy edge. her laugh comes easily, and when it does, it's boisterous and unrestrained. she lives her life in the moment, just looking to enjoy herself, without much thought or worry about the future. in general, she is not a worrier, and goes with the flow. this means that she can get herself wrapped up in some trouble if she isn't careful, and more than once has broken a number of laws by just going with it. this isn't to say she's gullible - she has a good head on her shoulders, and despite her carefree attitude thinks carefully and deeply about the things she cares about. it just so happens that she doesn't care to think that hard about much. she reads voraciously, and has an immense wealth of knowledge (especially about history and languages) stored away in her brain.

her tendency to live in the moment also makes it hard for her to truly commit to something long-term, including staying in one place for too long. she gets bored easily of routine. she also does not do well with authority. aelya plays by her own rules.

aelya loves to have a good time. often, this good time involves quite a lot of alcohol. she is very warm, and is always ready with a hug, a smile, and a pint, even to strangers. she loves to tell stories of her travels (with some embellishments, to make it fun!) and talk late into the night with pretty much whoever is looking to have a fun night. she is very physically affectionate to the people she cares about, and likes to tease and play games.

the one exception to her easy attitude is when she is is working: when she has relics in her hands, she is sharp and focused, and very little escapes her gaze when excavatin or examinining. she is very passionate about the preservation of these artifacts. what she is researching, no one is quite sure. but when she is working, it is clear that she has some kind of goal in mind.

(she's basically a frat bro)


  • beer
  • any other kind of alcohol, really
  • anything old and that smells like dirt
  • dumplings
  • libraries
  • games and pranks!
  • especially drinking games
  • telling stories
  • dancing
  • bothering her little brother
  • late night chicken nuggets
  • reading!


  • staying in one place for too long
  • thinking too hard about the future
  • coffee
  • anything that's too neat or clean
  • routines
  • rules

aelya does not know who her birth parents are, and quite honestly, does not care all that much. she was left in a farmer's field just outside a small down when she was a newborn, in a place where her cries would be heard by anyone walking down the dusty road nearby. and heard they were, by a nomadic couple of high elfs who just happened to pass through. they found her with a note pinned to her swaddle - "please take care of her", and so they did.
    even as a child, she was good-natured and easygoing. growing up, she didn't realize for a long time that she was any different from the other high elf children. sure, she had a tail, and her skin was a different colour, but she didn't let that prevent her from making fast friends with other children her age. she rarely caused real trouble for her parents, although her disregard for elvish customs did frustrate them.
    when her younger siblings came along (first one, then two - then all the way to the fifth and final child, nadya), she took to them immediately, playing a foil for her sometimes traditionalist parents. she would sneak them sweets at night and often played the mediator during fights. she teased and roughhoused, but always affectionately. her siblings, too, did not see her as any different from themselves, and overall they were a happy, nomadic family.
    as per the way she and all her siblings were raised, there came a time when aelya took up her own wandering path. she was the first of the kids to leave, first off to college where she studied history and archeology, and then to the nomadic lifestyle she was familiar with. she spent her days wandering the lands and scavenging for ruins for relics, donating them to local universities and museums after she had found them. to earn money on her journey, she would translate old books, and to save, she would often sleep under the stars. it was luxury by no means, but she got by.
    it was on one of these archeology digs that she met valn, they became fast friends. his interest was in archeology, too, but definitely not for the same reasons as she was. she fundamentally disapproved of his pillaging, but realized soon that his knack for sniffing out the good sites would be indispensable. so, they struck up a deal: valn would help her find the ruins and, in exchange, aelya would duplicate the valuables they found and let valn sell them on the black market. the originals would be donated, as per usual. as it turned out, she liked this arrangement very well - it was nice to be able to sleep in soft beds and buy as many beers as she liked for a change. the money they raised never lasted long, though - neither of them were good at moderation, and many nights immediately after an excavation were spent drinking and laughing until dawn.
    and so, with her newfound business partner, she is now traveling, researching, translating, and participating in a bit (a lot) of illicit behavior. she drops in on nadya every now and then, arriving unannounced and haranguing him and cecilia. she lives a happy life.

    nadya - her youngest brother. they love each other very much, but she annoys the crap out of him and he, in turn, is somewhat exasperated by her. she teases him a lot, and they have an amicable back-and-forth.
    valn - her partner in crime (literally)! they go ruins-diving together, and then spend the profits of their somewhat illicit operation together at local pubs.
    cecilia - aelya and valn crash her place a lot, but aelya brings cecilia rare plants from all over the world to make up for it. they tease nadya together.

-- happy to look for more friendships for aelya!


  • MASTER of beer pong
  • she's kind of a messy person, but because she's nomadic, her possessions are sparse 
  • she’s very graceful and nimble despite having a lot of heavy extra appendages
  • she’s a voracious reader, and as much as she loves history books, her secret true love is corny dime store romance novels
  • her hair was not that colour originally. when she was old enough to consent, she and her parents both agreed to permanently magic her hair to match theirs. it was meaningful for her, symbolically.