Akira's Comments

I'm gonna go with bio + short background then.


Name: Cozbi Efron

Alias: Little Birdie or Coża

Age: 16

Species: Diômūpq (the prominent species in Galaxy 12)

Race: Ķopłq (the prominent anthromorphic beings in Sector 1, 5, 7 and 11. A few have a monsterish/demonic form)

Location: Universe 6, Galaxy 12, Sector 10

Occupation + rank: Thief. The youngest known member of the thief guild, Abuto which operates in Sector 3, 4, 10 and 11.


Despite being raised by his mother, he always despised her. She used all the child support on herself and always screamed and cussed at him. His kind and loving father was scorned by the public merely because his mother won the court case against him. (His father was accused of r4p3 and assault. It was a complete lie)

His father sadly died of illness because he couldn't afford treatment. He lies in an umarked grave, the sign of a heinous criminal.

Cozbi unsurprisingly develops a hatred for women, specifically those who flaunt their riches. Even more so if they treat others badly. He takes great pleasure in stealing their beloved possessions.

if they’re still available, i’d love to adopt them! i’d enter the dta but i’m busy with a lot of drawings atm, so it’d probably take too long

they’d make a great buddy for https://toyhou.se/19738837.boobie-bird-tbn and they’d probably be a pebble collector. i’ve been wanting to practice bird drawings so when i get the chance, they’d be perfect for practice sketches!

thank you for the opportunity!


Name: Akira (if you want me to keep it, but if not i’ll change it to something else)

Gender: Genderqueer she/they

Species: Killdeer (anthro)

Likes: Pebbles, small objects, buttons, water guns (loves to torment her friends with them)

Dislikes: Moths, the smell of smoke, when people cry

Extra: Her best friend is a blue-footed booby (TBN) and they like to play video games together at his beach house. She likes to collect pebbles and has containers full of them.

Cool! I'm gonna leave this comment here while I go draft a story.

Wait, are stories acceptable? Or just bios?

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