
5 years, 7 days ago

Basic Info








Glan/Guernsey mix


Son of a guard---- Tyrant


West Wind


Taro was the son of Prance's best friend, Ron. When Rain was born, Prance and Ron agreed to introduce the pair so that they may become friends- and their friendship was pretty instant. 

Taro loved Rain, even as a calf. He promised her that she would one day be his mate and they would be the lead pair of their herd one day... But that promise would never be realized. It wasn't hard to guess that Rain was Prance's daughter, and Olin was still out for blood after the misunderstood death his daughter Kallah. Taro tried to protect her, but he was forced down, a chunk taken out of his ear, and long gouges in his foreleg were made before he managed an escape. He thought Rain was right behind him, when he heard her blood freezing scream piercing the night air. He forced himself back to the herd to get help, he was just a calf- he had no horns, nor size to deal with Olin... But they were too late to save Rain. 

Taro cried bitterly for days. And when he heard that Prance and his mate were having another calf, he was sickened. He couldn't believe they were replacing Rain so easily. When Ramby was born, he felt nothing but disdain for him. As far as Taro was concerned, Ramby was unworthy of life. 

As time went on, Taro continued to live in hate. The only other calf he didn't hate was Sparky, and even then, she didn't like him much for being a bully. He felt that Sparky was strong and worthy, true lead female material. 

When they came of age, Taro and Ramby entered into a sparring match to determine who would be herd leader. It was no surprise when Taro easily won against Ramby, who was much smaller and weaker than he was. He capped off his win with taunts toward Ramby, but Ramby scrambled to his feet, telling his herd to flee. Taro thought Ramby was being a sore loser, and tried to tell the rest of the herd that he was the one who won the match, and was therefore their leader, and should be followed. The rest of the herd followed Ramby, scared of what would happen if they didn't, as Ramby was usually meek, but he seemed in a raw panic when telling everyone to run. Taro stubbornly stayed behind... And got caught by humans with ropes.