Victor Takuya ★



4 years, 10 months ago


Character Name


Name Victor Takuya
Gender Male
Age 5,000+
Height 6'3"
Zodiac Aries
Race Magma Phoenix
Playlist Spotify


  • Has DID
  • Minds business
  • Reserved


  • Gardening
  • Cooking
  • Sewing

Victor is a Phoenix old as time. He does his best to stay out of the way of others and interacts as little as possible. He's most of the time incredibly reserved and focused on himself but there are times where he actively goes out of his way to socialize and interact with people when he can. Vic spends most of his time at home gardening and just being a malewife.


Victor is a Phoenix that comes from Ancient Japan. Him and his brother have traveled across the world and lived generations of new lives together doing various things. They've been all over the world, including most of Europe over hundreds of years. Currently, they are settled in New York city in a small apartment home doing their best to blend into society. Due to integrating into human society for so long, Vic has lost a good deal of his memories linked with his phoenix parts and has since abandoned them. However, this makes him remarkable at making new friends and connecting with all sorts of people.

Mental Disorders

Each character is represented by a Mental Illness in this story. Vic struggles with a Mental Disorder called Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). Victor lost his original name sometime after his OS disappeared and a new alter began to host in his stead. The new alter chose a new name after traveling out of Japan to lose attatchment to the place where his trauma came from. This disorder is one that comes from trauma, mostly presented in childhood, which causes the memories to fragment to protect the mind and body. It's quite unnoticeable to most people from an outside perspective but can cause various changes in body language, speech styles and even memories for the person experiencing it. Due to the amount of time Victor has been alive, he's lost a good bit of attachment to his old memories as they're quite locked up inside of him. It effects every day activity, even at home as he has to leave notes to remind his alters or journal to speak with them.


Victor lives a quite exciting life. During his thousands of years alive, he would go long time periods with different alters who accumulated memories of their own. Now that he's in a more comfortable spot in his life, he's been doing his best to relax and do things that he enjoys. Val introduced gardening to his system as a coping mechanism and was able to get most of the other alters to pick it up. Everyone has their own style of gardening, some who collect succulents, some who enjoy planting herbs for cooking, etc. Occassionally, he goes out to find new people to spend time with and take on dates and generally lives quite carefree.


  • Victor has 11 alters in total.
  • Victor and Valentine cohost quite often, they go hand in hand.
  • Amity is the name of the Gatekeeper and Protector.
  • Not all of Victor's alters know how to use the abilities that he has as a phoenix. Those include Amity, Sebastian, Savage, and a few others.
  • Each Alter has it's own taste and even dress quite differently. Amity being the only adult female in the system.
  • Vic has an alter that hasn't named himself, so the system collectively have decided on the name "Savage"



Seta Takuya [ Older Brother ]

His best fucking friend. Seta and Victor are closer than anything in the world. They've had times in their lives where they've seperated but no matter what, they always find each other again. They've lived together for longer than anyone could imagine and are each other's number one support. Seta and Victor's bond are unbreakable


Kazuo Dragon [ Best Friend ]

Every so often, Victor will reattend school to learn how technology and science has progressed through the years, as it constantly keeps improving. Kazuo is a friend he made while he went to a scientific college. They are quite similar and very smart people, Kazuo and Vic get along easily. One day, the college they attended had a horrible fire and Victor was the one to pull Kazuo out and save his life.


Akio Dragon [ Chosen Brother ]

When Akio moved into the house, Victor immediately found common ground with Akio. They had a lot in common and Akio encouraged a safe place even at home for him to be at. One of the littles took a liking to him and they became very good friends.


Elizibeth Knightley [ Romantic Interest ]

Elizibeth and Victor are just like the sun and moon. For awhile, they become quite good friends and then begin to date each other. Even after their breakup, they remain very wonderful friends and hangout often. Vic is extremely protective of her since she tends to get herself into a lot of trouble.