


4 years, 10 months ago


Elliot // He/Him ♦ Hellhound


Originally from a dream.

Elliot is pretty much always a bundle of nerves.  Very jumpy and not good with physical contact.  Well-intentioned, but very awkward and has a hard time getting his thoughts across.  Elliot is exceptionally shy and secretive, and doesn't easily rely on others except his closest friends.  Struggles, but tries his best to succeed at his goals.

One day Elliot spots something shining in the woods behind his home in rural England, and digs it up finding an engraved chest housing a red gem.  Little did he know this gem ended up being a cursed artifact, transforming him into a "hellhound", now tasked with exorcising spirits and helping souls pass on.  His hope is that by continuing helping these ghosts he will be able to become human again.

Elliot is obviously shaken by this, but thankfully his childhood friend is immediately on board to help Elliot, both to keep his secret, as well as help him with his supernatural quest.


  • Exorcises spirits with "hell fire", which he can breathe and summon, in order to help ghosts pass on or destroy evil spirits.
  • even before being cursed, Elliot was shy. After just made it 100 times worse.
  • Able to maintain a human appearance for short durations in able to stay interact during the day.
  • His friend was quick to accept partially because he was already a massive dweeb for the supernatural and arcane magicks.