🩸 ⋮ Billie



5 years, 17 days ago


"Whatever happens, happens."


she/they / 20 / bi / librarian assistant

Hi I'm Billie! I live in a small town taking care of my pets and plants while I work assisting at my local library. I've had a lot going on in my life so it feels nice to have a sense of purpose for once. I'm not one to talk to strangers and generally come off as cold or rude, though I never mean to. Sorry ! I'm pretty chill if you're a regular though and I like hanging out in convenient stores if you ever wanna hang :)

Billie's a handylady for her friends too. She's often seen as either the mom of the group, or as reckless as a toddler. She's only really open with her partner.

BILLIE :: Her name was inspired by the singer ehe

NICKNAMES :: Kit, Sweetheart, Bibi

MENTOR :: Her partner, her coworkers at the library.
APPRENTICE(S) :: The kid next door in her apartment complex who she babysits.

Billie is shy with a threatening aura to strangers but loves animals and kids more than anything. She's a sweetheart, really, and can be a bit too trusting and naive at times due to her seeing good in most people. This has sadly burned in the past in more ways than one :(. She's built up defences against anyone new now but still tries to put out a generally friendly disposition. Her partner is probably the only person she feels she can truly be herself with, without being judged. They never cmment or attack on her social issues or strange way of talking and always lend an open ear. However, the do get into their fair few scuffles every now and again as is with most relationships. Due to Billie's past it can affect her a lot more than she's willing to admit but is making efforts to work through it in her mind before coming to conlusions on her morning walks to work.

BIGGEST FLAW :: Her own anxieties and stubborness

LIKES :: ducks, ponds and water in general, clay sculpting
DISLIKES :: physcial touch of any kind, loud noises, busy work days
HOPES :: Buying nicer furniture for her home, Getting over her agoraphobia, learning more about plants
FEARS :: Family Holidays, going out somewhere new alone, large men


Her partner of almost 7 years now. They considered marriage but found it wasn't what the two of them really want. Time feels like it's standing still when they're together


Her manager at the library they work at. Since it doubles as a store thanks to the new cafe that moved in next door, they've been getting more and more customers.