Viorel Mythos



8 years, 3 hours ago

Basic Info


Viorel Mythos






genderqueer - goes by male or neutral pronouns (He/his, they/them)


Faunus (Mongoose)


his gang, Beacon Academy




147-ish llbs

Eye colour

amber brown, mongoose pupil and colour


blond, just past shoulder, kinda curly. Usually left out loose, its v mane like. Sometimes tied back in a loose, low pony tail, lotta fly-away hairs b/c some strands aren't long enough to be tied back.

Faunus aspect

Tail - Yellow Mongoose


Pale af




student, hunter/huntress


purple camo tanktop//blue hoodie w/ sleeves ripped off, off-white words on back that reads "IN MY HEAD YOU'RE DEAD"//mid grey tactical-style pants w/ blue and purple trim//combat boot-style footwear, darker than a mid grey w/ purple laces and blue accents

Outfit colour scheme



Dog tags are always worn, also wears a couple wrist band style bracelets

Physical Characteristics

Light muscle toning, mostly a slim build. Actually a clutz when just walking around. (IE; walks into things)


Personality: He's the guy who claims to regret nothing but in his mind, his brain is banging pots and pans while screaming "REGRET!!!" 
    He rarely, if ever, learns from his mistakes. Acts on impulses a lot.
    Makes a lot of puns and stupid jokes 
    (Will be expanded/added to) 
Dislikes: the cold, people who are assholes to a faunus just b/c they're a faunus,
Habits: burrowing of sorts - he makes a den/nest out of a lot of pillows and blankets. Drives his team nuts as he confiscates EVERYONE'S blankets and pillows for this. 
    Climbing up to get a vantage point
Fatal Flaw(s): doesn't always know when to shut his mouth. Usually gets beaten up by Violet for this.
Weakness: His health is complete shit so even a simple cold can bring him to his knees. He can't fight for shit when he's unwell, but he can still fight, to a degree, when intoxicated. 

Weapon Name: Shadow Striker 
Weapon Description: Simply put, its a halbred/glaive mix staff, that doubles as a sniper rifle because this is RWBY and everything is a gun. Its able to collapse to a shorter length to be carried on his back.

Relationship With Others
Reputation: the asshole who gets that lucky shot. Loud af too.
Friends: his team for one
Team: VVDR (pronounced Vader)  (I know) Co-owned with ScarletKnightmare 
    Team leader: Violet Himingberd - [Reference] - owned by ScarletKnightmare 
    Viorel Mythos - you're on his ref - Owned by myself, myth-66 
    Daven - [Reference] - Owned by myself, myth-66 
    Raven Angel - [Reference] - Owned by ScarletKnightmare 

Agility: 9/10
Swordsmanship: 5/10
Long Range Accuracy: 8/10
Defense: 4/10
Offense: 8/10
Aura: 5/10
People Skills: 4/10
Special Skill(s): night vision (Faunus)
    flexible/agile, his tail helps to balance him, especially when leaping
    His main method of defense is his agility and speed. If he gets hit, he can take a lot of damage and it'll take him a moment to get back up. As such, he's purely offensive. 
    Lock picking, but only traditional locks and safes. Nothing electronic. 
Semblance: Stare-Down
    By locking eyes with an opponent when in close quarter combat, Viorel can cause an opponent to intimidate them and make them feel fearful and uneasy about the situation, making them second guess themselves, Viorel himself, and their actions. This effect can last for varying amounts of time, depending on the person in question. It usually lasts for about a minute or two.

Ultra-condescend Background that I suck at writing apparently 
    Viorel comes from a gang family, his parents both high ranking in the underground. The gang was composed of both humans and faunus. What he mostly did in the gang was theft, either pick-pocketing or from stores and homes. As such, he's fairly adept at lock picking traditional locks. The gang itself was rough n tumble, and there were often fights between members, as well as rivals, which is where he honed his agility. (He learned pretty early on he can not take a hit very well, so he has to be light and quick on his feet.) He did participate in muggings and vehicle theft, though the latter wasn't done very often. He did not participate in drug dealing, stating he "didn't want to deal with that sketchy ass shit"

    He ended up joining Beacon because, whether it was on purpose or a complete accident, he went to pickpocket Ozpin, who caught him in the act. After pretty much beating Viorel to shit, he offered Viorel a chance at Beacon. Viorel accepted and was told when and where to be to start. As Ozpin went to leave, Viorel called him back, holding Ozpin's wallet up. He did get the wallet back, but Viorel may or may not have kept a couple of things from it. His parents weren't too happy about him going to Beacon at first, but soon gave up on fighting it. Viorel being at Beacon would allow for them to be less suspicious, in a sense. 

    The only member of team VVDR who knows about his past occupation is Raven. 

First Encounters With The Team

    Raven first really saw Viorel as he ran past her. 
    Basic event:
    enrolls in beacon 
    walks past another student 
    student: "wait do I know you?" 
    Viorel: "uhhh no..." 
    student: "wait yes I do! You mugged me at gunpoint!" 
    Viorel: "no I didnt" (walking faster) 
    student: "yes you dID GET BACK HERE" 
    Viorel: (is running) "FUUUCK" 
    Raven: *sipping at a mtn dew* should have changed your outfit dumbass. or hid your face while mugging
    Viorel: "I DID" "I CHANGED EVERY T HI NG" 
    student: "I recognize that hair" 
    Viorel: "fukign" "except that"

    The first person Viorel encountered when they were creating teams
    He jumped down from a tree as she was flying past
    They ended up crashing
    both were so pissed at first
    Violet: "you ASS-"    
    Viorel: "WHO YOU CALLING AN ASS, YOU FUCKER- ohSHIT thats a lot of piercings."
    Viorel: "nice wings btw"
    Violet: "Do you know wh-"
    Viorel: "Who you are? Yeah bruh like everyone does"
    Violet: "huh"
    Was pretty smooth sailing after that but then they had to choose a chess piece and it went downhill b/c they couldn't agree
    Viorel wanted a knight, Violet wanted a queen.

    First met when the Vio's had to choose a chess piece 
    Daven was partnered with Raven
    When Daven and Raven find the temple w/ all the pieces, they come across Violet and Viorel arguing, very loudly, over which piece to take
    Raven stepped in, Daven following, and said they should take a knight
    Daven picked up a knight thinking she was talking to him
    Raven comments "hey arent you the guy who got asked about mugging someone?" 
    Viorel is like "...." "maybe?" //nervous sweating 
    Violet and Daven and just like ????

Shortly after Daven grabbed a Knight piece, a flock of griffin grims attacked
Viorel grabbed a knight piece before Violet could grab a queen
Violet: *pauses from argument w/ viorel and looking at Raven funny* "we have a bigger problem now..."
Viorel: "I took the knight"
Violet: "soN OF A BITCH-" 
They set a new record for the amount of forest destroyed in a grim fight

Random Facts and things

  • Calls Beacon Acadamy "Bacon" - either just to piss people off, or if he is doing this unironically, no one knows.
  • Violet has to keep confiscating any alcohol he brings in the dorm. (Usually Vodka)
  • "random thought but Viorel could literally mug somebody with nothing but a banana and his symblance
  • Song - "You Were Wong" by Icon for Hire [Link]