


4 years, 11 months ago


This character is going under update


Diablo is a large, ancient, demonic creature who guard an old forbidden ruins and he's willing to kill anyone who enters the ruins.

He lives in the ruins with his little friend named Mix and if someone would ever dare to hurt her then even the holiest prayers won't help...

(For seeing his entire design in detail, I recommend to visit the sub gallery "ref sheet")


Species: Demonic beast/hybrid 

Orientation: Asexual

Age: unknown (thousands and thousands years)

Diet: Strict carnivore

Personality and behavior

Diablo is ruthless, brutal and sadistic and can become a killing machine thet enjoyes suffering and fear of others. It's hard to say what's worse, if the killing itself or the way how he kills because Diablo tends to play with his prey and by "playing" it means that he likes to kill his prey slowly and cause immense pain by tearing it apart and even eating the pray while it's still alive. Diablo is a strict carnivore but when it comes to flesh he is not picky. He literally eats anything that lives and is able to catch, from critters to high inteligent creatures, including and primarily humans. As it was mentioned before, he eats things that live. He's not a scavenger. If he kills something he has to eat it fast because then he loses his inerest to eat it. There is also the fact that if he is interrupted while eating by some living being he immediately loses interest in the dead flesh and goes after the fresh meat

Someone might think that Diablo's aggressive and sadistic behavior is predictable but actually not. Diablo can be pretty unpredictable. Nobody ever knows how he reacts and acts. In one moment he seems to be calm and harmless and then he suddenly attacks. It's also his curiosity whta makes him to hold his brutal behavior. He usually don't attack immediately if something catches his attention and he finds it interesting but once he gets bored... He can rapidly change his mood. When Diablo is in his killing mood then he acts rather like a savage beast but if the prey gets his attention then he becomes more "civilized" and he can even have a conversation.


Despite his sadistic desire for killing, deep dow Diablo can be can be gentle, caring and even sympathetic. Sometimes he feels sorry for what he did, especially if he knows that those he harmed were innocent and defenseless. This is also the reasone why he hid in the ruins so he won't hurt innocents anymore. Those who enters the ruins he sees as thiefs regardless if they really are so he doesn't feel guilty but in case he doesn't want to friend them. He actually has some sort of internal fight with his desire to kill and wishes for being more than just a vicious "monster"

If nothing is happening in the ruins, then Diablo spends most of the time by sleeping. He is able to sleep for days and would be able to for weeks or even years but since he met his little friend Mix, he usually don't sleep for so long. Mix is his little pleasure. He really loves her and he is willing to do anything to keep her safe and if someone would dare to hurt her, he'll make sure they regret it. Diablo likes to spend time with her and he can be pretty playful or he just relaxes and keeps an eye on her while she romps. Even if Mix does something Diablo is not happy about, he doesn't get angry at least not in way how he can be. He might be grumpy but he would never yell at her or hurt her.


  • He mostly cares only about himself and persons that are precious to him. (Mix is actually the only person he cares about)
  • Diablo doesn't swear, at least not so vulgarly, even if he's very angry
  • He's voracious. If he has an opportunity to eat a lot, he won't reject
  • Sometimes he can be quite ill-mannered
  • If someone tells Diablo that he is ugly or fat or anything, he will not be angry or offended. He will accept it. He does not see a reason why he should by angry for something what is true. In general insulting doesn't offend him. Though he doesn't mind it, he might use it as an excuse to kill
  • Diablo doesn't feel a romantic kind of love and he is not attracted by both males or females.



  • can regenerated in seconds
  • can fly pretty well but usually flies if it's necessary, to get somewhere fast or to some unreachable places.
  • Very  sensitive sences especially smelling. He has very great olfactory memory. Can also sence presence of living creatures and see their essence and source/s of their life (can see through their body)
  • strenght - his melee attack are very strong and he also can list very heavy things


  • Diablo can bite through very strong things like metal.
  • Because of the fast digestion he can eat a lot in a short time and he is able to digest metal and other things. He is also able to control his metabolism and he can slow it down
  • He makes animal like sounds (purr, growl, roar, etc.)
  • He has greenish saliva.
  • His breath smells like a rotten meat.
  • His claws are some sort of fingers and they work like fingers. Those claws are as moveable as fingers.
  • Diablo has third black eyelid.
  • His ears move independently to each other

Back story

Comming soon...