Eilian Lavellan Sabrae



8 years, 19 days ago

Basic Info


27 (main game), 29 (Trespasser)


9:14 Dragon


Herald of Andraste, Inquisitor


Bisexual, but prefers men


Appearance: Medium skintone, light blond hair that bleaches to white in the sun. He wore June's vallaslin in black for most of his life. After Trespasser, Valythari removed it for him. Blue eyes.

Personality: Mostly about helping out and trying to forge compromises. Actively tries to seem non-threatening, has almost certainly used Valythari for inspiration in this. Pretended at first to be rather oblivious to human customs and Chantry law, even though he's more familiar with them than he lets on. Adept at politics and the game. Held a great pride for his people and the history he was taught until the events of Trespasser destroyed that. A reluctant leader at first, but found himself comfortable in the spotlight. Turned out to be quite the diplomat and peacemaker. A very private person, who holds his thoughts and desires close and is willing to put them aside to help others.

Backstory: Born to a clan of Antivan Dalish with an abundance of mages, Eilian grew up in relative peace. At 21, was traded to Clan Lavellan at Arlathven to marry Deshanna; it was arranged by Deshanna and Eilian's Keeper, and he had no choice. Gave her a daughter before volunteering to go to the Conclave and ending up the Herald of Andraste. Once Deshanna found out about his relationship with Dorian, she cast him out. Adopted into Clan Sabrae by Valythari and Merrill after the defeat of Corypheus.