Latoya Magnus



4 years, 11 months ago


Age: 230 years old, insists she's 30
Height: 6 ft
Occupation: Shopkeeper
Race: High Elf
Sexuality: Pansexual
Pronouns: She/her

Personality: She is a crass woman that is very much addicted to sex, alcohol, money, and violence. She's has a ridiculously high alcohol tolerance, which resulted in many people being indebted to her due to losing bets against her. The people of Orovos affectionately calls her the "Devil Incarnate" due to her tendency to terrorize people that get in her way. She's very wily, open about her sexuality, confident about her body and worth, and is not afraid to tear someone down. 

She used to be very materialistic, always wanting the grand things in life, but after moving and living in Orovos for a decade, she started to love the simpler things. 

She is also extremely protective of her best friend Adryanna Eildran, in which she considers a younger sibling. Latoya also acts maternally towards people she grows close to and severely dislikes seeing them hungry. Nothing can stop her from feeding people she likes. 


Latoya is a powerful mage, so much so that she is one of the five Pillars of Magic.

She is versatile when it comes to her magic, but also focused on elemental magic, leaning more towards fire and electricity. She is also known to cause earthquakes and lightning storms when angry, so people try to keep her amused as much as possible. 

Latoya doesn't need to circles, written symbols, or verbal spells to use her magic, using it instantaneously to inflict damage. Besides this, defense magic is also a branch of the arcane that she takes an interest to.

Other than her magic, Latoya is also strong, capable of snapping a person's (or other humanoid creature's) neck with one hand and can easily lift up a fully loaded cart. This is a reason why, although she is proficient in blades, she much rather use her fists to fight. 


Latoya Magnus is a mage from a wealthy family from the northern kingdoms. At a young age she was already one of the royal advisers of the king and was considered a prime candidate to be the wife of the crown prince due to her magical prowess, intelligence, cunning, trading skill, and skill in combat which was insisted upon her by her family. She was taught by one of the former Pillars of Magic in their realm and was expected to succeed in her master's footsteps. 

Because of her, universities, public libraries, and centers of knowledge were erected that were open to the public, which made her very beloved by the people.

After some time, a vampire from the far regions decided to live in their kingdom and secretly pursued her. She found him charming because of his intelligence, looks, and charm, she ultimately fell in love with him, deciding to meet him in secret. 

But war broke up throughout several kingdoms. Latoya strongly advised the king to not be involved but he went against her and did so, resulting in massive losses to their military and their lands. In desperation, he pleaded with Latoya to "fix" this, as he called it, recalling how powerful she was. Because of her loyalty to the king and pressure from her family, she did as she was told. 

The history books said that the death toll that happened in one night was in the thousands. She never bothered to check. 

Latoya was lauded with glory and was proclaimed a war hero by the three remaining kingdoms that decided to form an alliance after the war. Everyone cheered her name, erected statues of her and very near worshiped her.

She hated it. 

Because of her massive guilt, she fled the kingdom, returning to her vampire lover and wanted to go out and start again. But when she got back to her residence, she found him having sex with a fellow apprentice that didn't share her talent. 

Heartbroken, she left the land and headed to Orovos, the trading city and lead economic hub by the sea where she started her own antique shop. She kept practicing her magic, but rarely. 

A few decades later, she found a near-dead redhead and nursed her back to health, and became her best friend.

She has a black dragon for a familiar named Arthos, and he is about the size of a small house and acts like a puppy when meeting friends.