
8 years, 19 days ago


Name: Nao

Gender :male

Personality: an recalcitrant cat. He loves wandering around and take a lot of weird stuffs to home. hate wearing shoes but everyone force him to wear them(without shoes he can run easier).Always hiding if there is a strange guest in the house( he can hide outside all week if the guest didn't leave yet) Love the little creatures and always playing with them when he has free times, he hates all strangers even if someone try to become friends with him. And He will become mad if anyone touch the stuffs he brought home and scratch them and do everything to get it back.

Like: weird stuffs(maybe a bough, can, fishbone, flowers, ...), little creature, people he have been used to be with, custard cakes and milk tea,hiding with his stuffs

, selftalk (my poor kid)

Dislike : Strangers, anyone that take his stuffs,cold water,big creatures, being taken to home Taken by Sei <3