


8 years, 8 days ago

Basic Info

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Free Breeding

Parents ||

Dirk and Hal


Dawson is much like his father Dirk with qualities of Hal. He hides his emotions under a stoic mask, and doesn't reveal his true emotions to you unless he truly trusts you. He takes after Hal with how jumpy he is towards loud noises or sudden movements, as well as an interest in technology. Unlike his brother, his flight instinct is higher than his fight. He will run at the first sign of danger or possible injury, leading to his brother calling him a coward. He has a very competitive relationship with his brother Derrick, and the two are always getting into trouble with each other at home. Outside of the house, he pretends his twin doesn't exist. Fortunately, Dawson hasn't been picked up by the police yet, unlike his brother.

Dawson mostly keeps to himself, and isn't very outgoing. Unlike his parents, he's very softspoken and doesn't like to talk over people. He gets very bored with people, and tends to sound very disinterested when talked to, and tends to avert his eyes or find something else to do. He's more of an introvert and cares more about things that involve himself rather than others. He has little to no interest in the affairs of others, and anything pertaining to groups is a strict no with him.