


5 years, 3 months ago


Shay is a young adult who couldn't decide what to do with his life after high school. Most of the lack of direction was a result of his family wanting him to get into something that would specifically bring him money, rather than something that made him happy. When it was finally time to move forward with plans, Shay froze up in panic because he wasn't sure which path to take. None of them sounded enjoyable, and he was too scared to get stuck doing something he'd hate for the rest of his life.

With a major lack of direction, Shay's parents became very confused and upset with his 'decision to do nothing. They tried to push him, but in the end only drove him further away. Before the summer after high school was over, Shay moved in with a friend who was content with letting him stay on their couch as long as he chipped in from time to time. After getting a small, part time job at a nearby convenience store, Shay had that covered and used the rest of his time to find out what he wanted to do.

He eventually began working on large murals painted on the side of buildings. Some of these were gigs he didn't get paid for, but he eventually started to earn cash for it. Unfortunately, Shay has a bit of a unique look to him and stands out a great deal. He found himself in a holding cell one afternoon when the owner of a business had gone home early and wasn't there to confirm his story about the spray painting being legitimate and not tagging. It was a rough lesson to learn, but not one that would deter his interest.