Kaede Iwasaki



5 years, 2 days ago


Name: Kaede Iwasaki

Age: 24

Height: 5'4

Sexuality: Lesbian

Occupation: Pro Hero

Quirk: Clown
Her quirk gives her the ability to shrink to fit into small spaces, like how clowns fit into tiny clown cars. She can also make balloon animals that enlarge and come to life for a few minutes. With a honk of her clown nose, she can put an instant smile on someones face.
Additional accessories: Cream Pie Belt, Air horn, and Squirt Flower

Kaede always has a smile on her face and does her best to make others smile; though she wasn't always like that. She grew up in a very serious family and was basically not allowed to have fun. Her parents were both very strict and her childhood was very gray; full of nothing but schoolwork, chores, and etiquette lessons. For primary and middle school she attended a very high end boarding school and while she was home her parents would teach her at college level, so that resulted in excelling marks. Come the end of middle school, her parents were planning to move to the UK. She didn’t want to leave. That’s when she heard about UA. She had had enough of her current life and defied her parents, moving in with her grandfather(who by the current time has passed away) and got into UA. From then on her true personality began to shine through and she treats every day as if it’s the best day of her life. With the help of her grandfather, she was able to realize who she truly was as a person.

She is in a happy relationship with Ms. Joke. The two met while Kaede was a sidekick and instantly hit it off. The two officially started dating once Kaede became a pro hero and they have been happy ever since. The two are constantly sharing laughs and are always trying to one up each other with new jokes, all while simultaneously annoying the ever living hell out of Aizawa.