


5 years, 14 days ago


Life and Strife

    Strife is the god of life and Vex twin brother. Yet as vex is kind for a god of death strife is cruel for the god of life. Cruel and cynical. He thinks all mortals should have but one life no matter the circumstance. He is very against vex habit of ignoring her duty to collect the souls he deems beneath him and his realm of light. The worst part is Strife views most mortals as beneath him forcing many lost souls to the care of min and her purgatory like realm inside her tail. Vex has tried many times to force strife to accept more souls but he stands firm in his belief all mortals are flawed and there for not worthy to enter his realm in the afterlife. It is an ongoing issue among vex and the other gods. As is strive dark interest in The Doctors experiments. A twisted interest in creating the perfect creature.

                Yet for life’s dark views and philosophy he still does his job. Monitoring the stability of new life the growth of plants in the spring, new born babies, and the passing of the new day. Life may hate mortality but he hates disorganized and mess more. A secondary reason he bends the rules so far as to limit those that may enter his realm, even with the mandatory quota issued to him by the court of the gods. Everything must be neat and clean for live. His oozing eye being a hated subject for him,

                For strives eye bleeds the elixir of youth once clean and fresh twisted by The Doctors poison under Strife’s own direction. the black tar like ooze it is now is the fate of trying to change one’s purpose and mess with the powers of the universe. Once giving eternal youth to any that was able to make the god cry it now give a twisted version of immortality to any injected with the serum on unending death. For those afflicted with it are immortal in spirit but not in body able to die again and again for many life times. This is the curse afflicting Hycoo one of the first to have the twisted magic cast on her by one of life’s few servants after she turned down their “advances” and It is Hycoo and Zuka life hates most among the mortal plane. The two unknowingly needing the protection of other lesser gods.

    Strife is less volatile then his sister with his other two forms. His beast only coming out in fits of rage or when forced to do his job of collecting souls. As his beast form can not hurt the spirit of an innocent mortal as governed by the universe and not his own interests. His kitten form is often used by him self willingly to try and infiltrate the sanctums of the other gods and to enter the mortal world to see the filth it is and try and prove to the other gods mortally is flawed. While he never admits to his own flaw of unbridled hate.